Tuesday, January 13, 2015

one and only

in the midst of his absence
grows a question

what lamp is lit from within the heart?
not the one he could detect

she coded her language
with sounds from a sacred river
but he heard profanity

so they had been taught the
exact same colonial language
the byproduct of colonialism

somehow the mirrors she held up
to his reflection
looked like abstract confusion

temples of common worship
felt like prisons
with whom was he supposed to identify?

nobody could offer him freedom
he knew he was his one and only liberator
first and foremost during any trapping
of any oppression

she intended to hold up mirrors
that softened his quiet, sometimes near deadly
blows of self hatred
self inflicted
ever so contradicted
by pretty philosophies
gathered in the corners of his
mind, gathering cobwebs
of neglect.

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