Saturday, December 19, 2020

Grace is consistent

 Here is a conceptual framework for grace from the Creator, however you name this being. Let us assume that Water, Earth, Fire and Air were created at some point. Water does not discriminate regarding whose thirst gets quenched, or who gets clean. Fire does not pick and choose who benefits from the warmth of the flames. Air can be breathed by anyone at any time. Earth provides sustenance for all, no matter who you are. If we were supposed to exclude some beings, there would be written into the experience of these gifts some way to do that. There are many more ways to describe and explain this but I am confident that I have made my point. We need not fear wrath or judgement from an external source. It is humans that create the exclusion, the discrimination, the poor management of the gifts we have as participants in this earthly realm.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

About the Shadow

To an extent, we are defined by our opposites. Shadow cannot exist if there is no light for contrast. So called “light workers” must become familiar with shadow work if the light they call in is to have any meaning or purpose.
None of us are light with no shadow content. It’s a matter of managing, facing, owning and transforming the shadow content, and then integrating this work so it doesn’t arise in a persons consciousness unexamined. This is not simple or easy. There is also not only one way to do it. There are many ways.
It’s not for the faint of heart. Despite this, I encourage all of us, when we are ready, to do the work. Contact me via my website if you want to discuss it further.