Friday, March 25, 2011

let us be

let us be completely and utterly consumed in a cup of tea

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ring around her neck

"FDA expands access to plan B, Seventeen year -olds will be able to get contraceptives over the counter, critics say politics influence ruling"

Covert oppression forms a ring around her neck
and she gets mad compliments on her necklace
her purpose here is not simply to take in his seed
into herself she sits on the shelf
painted perfectly and poised until she one day comes to
an awakening
of that unleashed creative potential within
she sits on a shelf yet belongs to herself
giving birth is not where she needs to be at
17 years old but the only power she believes she has access to is between her thighs
and he's already taken that from her so many times it's like
nickels and dimes
which now she puts together for contraceptives
for convenience
she leans into the wind and breathes a breath of rationality
his perspectives are lost on her today
her skin is a drum he hit to hear his own sound
and fuck that contemplation about whether or not he will stay as in
sit still
here take this pill
giving birth is not where she needs to be at
seventeen years old and
covert oppression forms a ring around her neck
and she gets mad compliments on her necklace

business as usual

skyrises and myopia
channel the fear into every drop of media
we eat from plates of despair
ask not what you can do for your country
but what you can turn a blind eye to
and on the world spins
out of circles into chaos
and mother earth
purifies herself
while we tend to meaningless pursuits
and idle chatter
celebrity gossip and sports
except for the few
a growing number
in the know
of the great potential
beyond our system's collapse
but for the majority
silence will never fall
and become space for true reflection
business as usual is costly
the most ignorant path..

Friday, March 11, 2011

short essay on energy work (under construction)

For all people who claim to do "energy work" and the types of "healing" that fall under the shamanic category in the modern world, in the modern sense of that word, inevitably run into the problem of articulating clearly what this actually means to the layperson. What is an energy work session? Who is qualified to do energy work? What does it involve? Are there people with significantly, markedly better energy than others? Are these people somehow better than those with "bad" energy? Who determines these parameters? Can someone have conflicting energies within them and still be a good, solid energy worker? Obviously, I do not have all the answers to this questions but I pose them for a reason. We must, in our communities, I assert, start to ask and answer them for ourselves.

I had a discussion with a friend recently about this topic as it intersects with a few others. We were deconstructing what had happened at and after an event we had attended.

I was somewhat outraged by the fact that integrity seemed, in my view to be lacking.

I feel that any person who puts themselves in a position of facilitating, shifting, changing, working on a plane outside of the mundane in order to affect a person who is in the role of the one who is changed or shifted, there needs to be a certain level of protocol. The main reason I assert this when it comes to any sort of seemingly miraculous change or "spontaneous" healing  is that while the people involved might seem this as harmless, I see some unavoidable problems.

The protocol people may set up in these settings may vary but the component of consent is the first and most consistently needed piece. My question to my friend, who had a good experience at this event, was this: How can you consent to a certain kind of change if you have not had the procedure of magic or whatever it may be called, explained to you? I become incredibly suspicious of people who skip that step.

Personally, I want this act of magic or lack of magic, whatever they say, broken down into regular speech, explained coherently.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

genius of compassion

there is a level
you can raise yourself to
above oppression this level is high above fear
self doubt or anguish of any kind
and it eludes us mostly
but were we to achieve this
how much greatness would be accomplished
the thin slice of moon in the sky
blinking approval from that narrow hall of immortality
and were we to squeeze in
we would no longer be dreamers but realized souls
and the genius of compassion would be shared by all
for if no one ever imagines it how would it happen?