Sunday, February 14, 2021



starting with an open heart

the universe asks me to fill it

I am not reaching anymore

I am standing still

I am sitting still

I have stopped coming out of myself

to meet the world and all she offers

feet planted firmly on earth

sitting standing moving

\through her dense dimensions

while anchored to earth and stars

and all the relevant planets

no longer questioning

Am I talented enough?

I know I am worthy

and I will help you see

you are worthy too


perched above a celestial ocean of mirrors

she embraces truth

leaving offerings for the next travelers to this dimension

offerings of crystals radiating high frequencies of 

beauty, love and the powers of cleansing

she comes home to Spirit

after certain battles have drained her dry

and Spirit fills her with light energy

and cleanses with the waters of the radiant heavens

and her soul becomes refreshed

anchored in trust, embedded in the powers of Spirit

across all space and time

Eventually she can take off her heavy warrior mask

but not before she has defeated fear

Spirit whispers come closer, come near.