Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Silent Fingers

maybe her life was a comedy of errors

what rules dictated anything within the hours of her days?
what tiny stars shined light that bled through
the purple blue black blanket
of the sky
to show her they way? what was the way?
why had she been put into the form of a body
-such a primitive vehicle-
more times than she could count or remember?
what place can she hold
secretly between silent fingers
turning bright silver into gleaming gold?

-Imaya, 2015

Saturday, May 25, 2019


every life is a unique expression of a multitude of energies. while this is true, much is being said about abortion, control and the right to choose. when I was little, my stroller had a sticker on it that said, "every child, a wanted child" and I learned about that early. the violence of forcing a woman to bring a pregnancy to term that she does not want or is not ready for is an unspeakable kind of violence. visiting this upon women and girls is atrocious and criminal. advocating for the unborn over the woman who would give birth makes so little sense it makes my head spin.