Monday, December 28, 2015

of the sea

the rhythm of the sea
sways focus and I don't mind
sounds of water
sounds of fire
solid place to sit on earth packed tight
soil lets light
in and soil becomes mud
soul drinks from the sea
of gratitude
soul wrestling with conscious worlds
all inside all twirled
up to the sky
the rhythm of the clouds
impossible to gather
or imitate correctly
these constant truth sights
these huge sighs from
a being on her way
within night within day

Thursday, December 10, 2015

pay respects

I am
speaking into the spaces
u left wide open with your holy stare

the moments collide drifting out from silence

judgment ceases when I am gripped by the greater truth
you have made an impression but that doesn't mean much

since I am
always in awe of something

and should there be some formal release
of this relationship? if not in a poem
then where when or how do I pay respects

to that which was my sole comfort or addiction as it were,

and the constant stream is still flowing, still there
pouring from my wrists
and you glide into distraction position

I am
writing to the eternal omnipotent you
the ego pressing itself insistently into my thoughts
like someone's body on a too crowded bus

my heart my art my soul my dreams are lacking

but I am caught up in you momentarily and everything is just a letter
as in letters making up words
so my letters are molecules and space expanding

I am
letters to you on that personal, most intimate level
holding us to higher standards than we can achieve
but we might exceed them
if not now then in a dream beyond the constructs of time
some of this has damaged me but I never take damage seriously


I am
waiting and the God search has the Goddess erupting
in fits of laughter

I am
planning to become much more impressive soon
that last me you just met was a personality in preparation
of what is to come

I am
holding back rivers of observation as I half listen to you speak
What you reveal is heard
I read between lines of improvised scripts

and notice the planet start to change.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

moon tears

"It is so important to listen right now, for all the different voices that have still not risen, listen closely because they are coming. When they do they will fill the streets, rise up into the stars, bring the moon to tears."

from a journal in 1999. still relevant

Saturday, December 5, 2015

What services do I offer?

Hello! I now have a website that details the services I offer even more clearly, visit me there at

Bodywork for Women: This is my private practice of Therapeutic Bodywork and subtle healing energy work sessions for women. Male clients are accepted by referral only.

contact me with any questions!

Divination: I use tarot cards to unlock the wisdom the client already has about their life, relying on archetypal images and meanings that relate to a question or just offer insight in general. The decks I use are very positive and healing and never give responses that could be stressful or negative. After a reading, one will generally feel more clear and affirmed than before.

I also practice divination through my very own style of Clairsentient and Clairaudient sessions. I will ask you a few questions and generally give you a reading of the situation you present, often speaking to that which showed up to me as important in order to provide guidance and clarity about that which you consciously bring to me. It is entirely up to you how you receive the messages I have divined for you. There is no one right way to respond to these kinds of readings.

You may resonate with it, some of it, or none of it. If there is no resonating with what I have told you, there is no failure on either part. We were meant to meet and interact and the reasons for that meeting are not always immediately apparent to us. I will always offer a blessing along with the reading, whether it is silent or spoken.

contact me for more info!

Restorative Shamanic Dream Work:

 Work with an Innovative Practitioner in sessions designed and tailored to suit the individual, first meeting is an assessment of the potential client

What is Restorative Shamanic Dream work?

Using clairaudient and clairsentient abilities, I create personalized ceremonies for each client to improve the quality of life for that person. I have been initiated into this work by Spirit in my dream worlds and had the potency of the initiation confirmed while working with clients and friends.

I would like to tell you a bit about how this works. If a person has certain kind of psychic blocks around not being able to hear her own guides, a shaman/clairsentient practitioner such as myself, can intercede on her behalf and transmit words that match the frequency/vibration of what the guides and angels of that person wish for that person to hear. This requires some faith on the part of the client that the one interceding will be able to match the vibrational intention of spirit at that time for the client regarding whatever issue is the focus of the ceremony. Ideally, the practitioner works long enough with the client on the most pressing issues she is dealing with, that at a certain point, the client feels more confident about communicating with her own guides. This takes awhile for some, while others quickly adapt and wish to minimize or eliminate the help of the practitioner.

One of my specialties is helping clients find just the right words within the safe space of a ceremony to free themselves from any karmic debt. This comes in the form of what I call a "release prayer".
I work with Spirit, to come up with how to eloquently and graciously phrase the petition for release. How do we know you are being released from karmic debt? My ability to tap into the heart of the matter will be used as way of assisting the client to own his or her part in the situation and if needed, get out of it without creating any negative energy that would just have to be cleaned up later. This type of prayer and ceremony work is one that works quickly and after participating the client will often feel uplifted and sometimes a bit giddy from the shift in consciousness that has taken place.

What about payment? How does that work?

I accept trade. I do not take money for this. I have chosen that because no amount of money fits for this type of work, in my mind. In my experience, if money is taken out of the picture it is simply a cleaner exchange of skill for another skill or just a trade in general, without involving currency. This should ensure the client never give more or less than what they feel is appropriate. Discuss this with me in person and I can further elaborate. A trade I would approve could be a yoga class or a few of them, clairvoyant or clairsentient reading, even a haircut is good! There are many options for trade.
If a person is already skilled and or gives readings, that is welcome. I take all of this with a grain of salt, and I maintain a sense of humor about the process.

"The healer knows, We heal no one,
we Cure no one, to attempt a cure denies the truth,
Disharmony sown in spirit
reaps imbalance in the flesh
to regain the point of balance,
simply open your heart
offer your life
allow the love to heal
allow the weak to grow
say "I am the healer" and
you step out of the flow
for the Universe flatters no one
but offers its life
when you offer your own"

My website is - If you are interested please visit the website! Thanks for reading!