Sunday, January 25, 2015

getting over you spell - part 1

you will soon have no power over me
you had power you were not even aware of
but soon you will not have it
I will take it from you like a thief in the night
you will wake up with a vague sense of something missing
you won't know what it is
so you will search in a daze
only to find nothing tangible gone
the feeling won't leave you
you will reach for something
a book, the phone, anything
you will feel it slipping away from you
(it will be my affection.)
so you will hold on tighter
grasping it a bit desperately
as the day wears on you will keep feeling
like you lost something or misplaced it
(it will be my attention and energy)
but everything will be in place
which further adds to your frustration and confusion
you will check for your pager, your wallet, your cell phone
 your iphone, your mini I-pad, and you will check for all of these
over and over
but you have all the items you sought
the feeling remains

you remember me

an ache takes over your heart
but you still do not understand why
you have lost any power
you ever had over me
and there is an empty space where my affection, desire
attention and energy used to fill

you feel the loss in your whole body
as if a part of you is gone

It will be me, I am gone.

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