Friday, January 2, 2015

Here is a poetic prayer to Pachamama I came across- enjoy!


Dear Pachamama, you reign in the universe with the intelligence of healthy balance,
listen to your children,
 intercede for us with the great winds, talk to the water, fire and earth.
Today we ask you to draw hope in our faces, give us the grace of your eternal breath,
cobĂ­janos with your brilliant sun,
guide us on the night of our lives with the light of the stars and the moon wise,
visionary join us on our journey through sacred dream and light drums.
Today we ask You to return the stormy forces back to their site,
we ask You to calm the troubled waters, to quiet the inner fire, that your wise intelligence be taken deep inside of us, where swarming and exacerbates excess is creating chaos.
Today we ask you to join us in the healing of our body and spirit.
You who are wise make us, your sons, instrument of salvation, today we ask that your blanket of light purify us and heal wounds and mistakes of our past, we ask you to help us clear our path of light.
Dear Pachamama, we glorify you for your flowers, your fragrance, the abuncancia your food and water that we drink.
In gratitude I offer you my sensitive preaching, I worship you, I speak in meditation and silence, You are always very present in my prayers.
Dear Pachamama, I promise to clean my wrong steps, my wrong thoughts and unfair attitudes, I promise to drink from the healthy river, to heal my brothers the animals and protect the forests. Today I promise to give food to the poor and to who reaches out for help.
In You our life is born, grows and ends. In You our life is lit and extinguished. We are your light, we are your body, your spirit. With solemnidad I return to dust when You decide."

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