Saturday, November 20, 2021

Birth of a soul

For many of us, our lives are mostly centered around mundane tasks and reality that we need to tune into in order to survive and or to fit in with the society we are a part of. 

This means the more mystical, esoteric, spiritual, metaphysical parts of ourselves and our consciousness takes a back seat to the more mundane activities and way of thinking. Some folks may have a holy book and they might spend part of their week interacting with this book and what it teaches. Some folks work to integrate teachings from one or more faiths that uplift them, help them with life or just inform them in a way they appreciate. 

Some of us walk around the planet thinking about the metaphysical reality, wanting to discuss it or trying to discuss it and we may be met with judgement or dismissal. Fewer of us engage in overtly spiritual talks, finding refuge and acceptance. All that said, there is a common word that is woven throughout some of these discussions and that word is "soul". This word has varying definitions and there are varying levels of belief in whether or not we each have souls. 

I struggled with the idea of the soul in past years, unsure of what was the truth about the matter of souls and individual spirits. I have come to work with a definition of soul that resonates, and I define a soul as an accumulation of energy and consciousness working together within an individual that contains the very essence, power and life force allotted to that person for the entire duration of their existence, including, but not limited to, a whole lifetime. 

Now, it has occurred to me that there might be a beginning and an end to a soul. I think of it as a similar lifespan to that of a star. Or, a soul might be the part of us that is eternal. Since I am not an expert on any of this and perhaps nobody is, I will entertain multiple possibilities. 

If there is one all powerful Creator or Source of Creation from which our souls emerge, I feel that giving thanks for that on a regular basis makes the most sense. If souls arise without specific directions from a Source or Creator God/Goddess, they may function as independent spiritual agents. If that is so, the birth and evolution of souls would appear to be fascinating phenomenon that have serious depth to it beyond anything we have as of yet begun to comprehend. 

How would a soul be born? Who would or could birth a soul? Why and how would a soul come into existence? Why would an entire planet of animated souls come into existence? Lots of us have speculated we are here to experience ourselves at deeper and deeper levels through the sacred formulas of ancestral lineages, cosmic identities, the elements of earth, water, fire and air, many, seemingly endless kinds of lessons and truths that are hard to come by and so on. The possible answers go on and on, I can think of a whole lot!! 

This is just to encourage you to think, to consider, to imagine! I am not intending to draw final conclusions, more so just to get us started, to create a jumping off place so the reader, you, can dive into your own crashing waves of possibilities. I wish you safe and exciting travels. I will be back soon with more exploration and intentions to play, think, conceive, dream, and more. 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Why we need the Goddess

Have you noticed that when it comes to representation for the Goddess and her followers, most often she is portrayed in ways that belittle her, make fun of her or her people, and put down the Goddess centered worldview? Often, the characters in shows and movies that associate with her are boundary- less hippies who we do not ever take seriously. Or, they show people who are "crazy" and also are not taken seriously. Rarely if ever, do I see representation in the media where the Goddess is seen as a fierce force to be reckoned with, alongside many other aspects of her that are feminine, softer, more yin against the contrast of yang. I long to see her many aspects represented in ways that empower human women, and allow men, trans and non binary people to thrive in her compassion. 

The Goddess, how I understand her, fits into a real worldview. She is embodied in nature and in our human selves, our bodies, our minds, our spirits. She is both archetypal and totally literal and real. She is the moonlight, the patterns of stars, the blood in all of our blood lines, the forests, the oceans, the animals. She is imbued in all of creation and she is a Creator. Her aspects show up in archetypal ways, and we have given names to those ways, Tara, Athena, Brigid, Inanna, Yemaya and many more. All over the world, her powers and her energies show up. The gates she guards open onto sacred ground, sacred waters. All of this earth and the elements are sacred in her ancient -turned -modern rites. 

I call this Blog "Tara's Tongue" after an awakening to the idea that the mother tongue of our species is a compassionate one and that Tara, is a Matron goddess in her own right, of transcendent compassion. So the language of compassion is her trademark. When we speak, think and act with compassion, we are met with her strength and support. She will guide your speech and your actions if you ask her to and open to her. If that is not for you, you can still find many other paths of inspiration within the practices of Goddess religion, if you choose to. 

So, why do we need her? I have named more than a couple reasons already here. However, if you still are unsure why we need or could benefit from a Goddess centered worldview, I will paint more of a picture of our circumstances. Many of you know that patriarchal religions now rule the world and that the patriarchy is embedded into world cultures. Followers of pagan and Goddess religions are the minority, although their numbers are growing. Surviving the patriarchy, for so many of us, involves a kind of going underground, changing who we are and wearing masks we do not really want to wear. We are forced to wear masks and change our way of thinking and being because violence and oppression has been and is threatened if we do not comply. For so many men and boys, being "feminine" means being too vulnerable and can result in being harmed. For others, being too masculine is punished. A Goddess centered worldview provides relief from this kind of pain. All genders are welcome and accepted in this worldview. 

Seeing divinity defined by male Gods exclusively does harm to our collective psyche and our individual psychology. It makes us unbalanced and off balance in our assessments of ourselves and each other. If we have a broken mirror that constantly reinforces a broken view, we need healing from this and a new method of mirror gazing/self reflection.

There is much more to say but for now I will pause here. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

the dream of the dance

embracing mortality 

for the relief it brings

because the suffering in existence

has its end. a finality, a blessing. 

and there is no real end, 

only transformation, endless ascension

eventual absolution if you can call it that

I am comforted to know, I will age and let go

let it all slip from me

like a so very distant memory

until the screen is blank and the

game is reset

and the start is a fresh one

unless human again, unless mortal again

unless back into form.

but that formlessness, that release into the ethers

is a gift. and it is all mystery

where consciousness goes as matter composts

changing its composition and becoming nutrition

for other creatures. that magic in the balance of the dance

the dream of the dance, the longing that dwells in 

the hearts of waking ones. how will I wake up?

How will I look up when my perspective is altered 

by heavy experience interwoven into my very limited human awareness

Maybe I will look up for the clouds, the birds, the tree branches pushing at the sky

maybe I will let that be enough to liberate my perspective. 

calling back in all the beauty that eluded me when I was distracted.

becoming present for new moments. new beauty. new forms to enlist,

new ways to insist

in the meaning behind the incarnations, and that there can be peace

in these formations.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Being able to "see" and "know"

Some of us are aware that people can have uncanny abilities that defy scientific explanations so far. We may call them Clairsentient =clear feeling, Claircognizant =clear knowing, Clairaudient =clear hearing or Clairvoyant =clear sight.

All of these may appear one at a time for some, or overlap at times, there are many ways these abilities arise.

When I am able to know about a person or situation, as a Claircognizant person, I often receive an impression or some information inexplicably and then I get a confirmation that I am right or wrong. Generally, I am right, at least to some degree. The reason a person is often right to some degree is that some information is subjective, so it depends on where you are standing, so to speak, when you are assessing what you see, know or feel.

Since I am less clairvoyant and have more of the other three gifts, I do not "see" as much as I feel or know. For example, I will have a conversation with another human, and I will get a strong urge to give them a message, and that message comes with an urgency that is not from me, but from another source wishing to connect with that person. I relay the message and may or may not reveal that it came from that clear knowing ability. Sometimes it is fine to just give a message. Other times, it feels relevant to reveal to them, and I know they can receive the information, that the source of the message was from Spirit. 

movements of the soul

reaching down through layers of 

heavy earth, I feel the breeze at the top 

of my branches

I know when I hear someone

speaking from their heart

I heard through the language cloaking

the heart of the matter

that he was in a stage of purification

a cleanse for his whole being

what religion had done, he was painstakingly 

undoing if it had been damaging and he was 

realizing how damaging it had been

telling people about Jesus in away

that felt inauthentic, what could be worse

for someone who deeply practiced authenticity

he knew now, somehow, that he did not need

specific practices for this cleanse to work

he just needed to clarify, trust, and move with the movements

of his soul. 

God will take care of the rest. 

and so with this Grace he has been granted

his angels draw near to him

listening and extracting the poisons he

unknowingly ingested. 

taking in poison, all the while being

told it is wisdom, that it is good food. 

Our souls know when we are spiritually malnourished

and when we have been harmed without even

knowing it. 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

thirteen years

So it has been thirteen years since I have started this blog. It feels like lifetimes ago that I was at the beginning. So instead of catching up by explaining all that has happened through those years I will just tell you what happened today. 

Amidst many mundane tasks, I decided to reach out with a question. I asked my mother in law, whom I love, about God and fear and love. 

Why should I fear God if God is love? She said it had more to do with a reverence for God than a fear. She said God casts out all fear. It is more about the consequences of your actions, which God either has ruled as good or bad, than it is about fear. 

So while it remains to be seen how all of this seeking unfolds, for now, I understand what she means. 

I got in touch with a friend with whom I have had a very complicated relationship. For a few moments, while reading her message to me, I was elated and filled with the excitement I often felt when she and I would be in contact. 

The human spirit is massively complex. We are multi-dimensional and are working with any given number of frequencies at any given time. I loved her, I healed with her, I helped heal her, I could not sustain our connection past certain events in our lives. 

But now, I have extended that olive branch and she has enthusiastically received it. I know that I learned a great deal from her. There were imbalances in our dynamic in some ways, but over time I remember more that was good and nourishing and exciting than the other challenges we had. When you go that deep with a person there are bound to be challenges.

 Mostly now, I remember the powerful bond we had and how we explored the psychic and dreaming arts, other dimensions of reality and so many practices all while remembering the temporary nature of our dream on the planet. It is hard to sum up. I am excited to connect with her at this time, with the configurations and constellations of now affecting our interactions. May we enter into this phase with more compassion, respect, clarity and magic than ever. 


 My soul is a big question mark

At the end of no question in particular
I smile at the butterflies moving by
For the reminders they bring
Amidst the sweetness and the sadness
They sing
My whole being is this run on sentence
In no language in particular
I smile at the rain when it comes
For the reminders it brings
Amidst the recovery and the resilience
It sings

Thursday, August 26, 2021


 from 2002--

something bubbled up in me

so so so close to the boiling point

it spilled all over

scalding permanent irreversible 

it has bubbled up, boiled over and is spreading

its scorching fingers

graze my surface, 

the contact instantly turning me to ashes to dust

better to be without

better to be within

better without him

better within me without him

whisper scream in silent dream

a ritual call and response

is the flutter of heart to lips 

and the necessary words spoken, bonds broken

while repair begins within

simply plain once again

better without him. 



from 2002-- 

When the situation grows too intense

my mind defers to my heart, I think

Oh no, don't start

Please do not allow this to become

 another hum drum

self inflicted drama.

I am not ready for it and I never will be

There is a difference between internal and external

conflict, and there is more than meets the eye

when it comes to that difference

because external produces internal

causes external 

spiraling all over the map

until you ask yourself which came first?

until you hear the clap

of thunder or your focus being pulled under

by details

like loud splashing raindrops on the sun roof 

like damn I have no proof

that when it is all over

I will have been right

or you were always wrong

what's the line from that song?

I always quote someone else

when my mind defers to my heart

because my mind was never able to recall\

the emotion we recorded

that night in bed, I must have hit my head

and your hands spun out of control

my frantic questions and fears were swallowed along with

unshed tears

collected painfully through the years

so then I am detached I suppose, unfastened

while you gently close 

my eyelids with the tips of your beautiful fingers

And I press my lips together thinking

Oh no don't start

while I consciously allow my mind to 

defer to my heart

perhaps it is better this way

I think I want you to stay. 

Hold up a mirror

 If I could, I would take this poem and lay it gently

over your eyes until your pain subsided

I would take sound and work it with my fingers like clay

until you could hear the breath and heartbeat of earth

I would shape light into healing

and spread it over your skin, let it seep into your bones

let it hold you in safety

so you could feel that you are filled with love

protected from all harm

I would hold up a mirror

that reflected the divinity within you

to give you an image of true self

unmasked, pure, sacred

we could walk in beauty

until mortal flesh became dust

and our bones were buried in silence

and the wind could carry our voices

through all the lands. 

Don't scatter the medicine

 from 2003--

I covet the dream of us 

guard it closely, intently

and who we shall pray with

is a select few

Don't scatter the medicine

like you would scatter the ashes of 

an unwanted memory

Be true, be free and 

as long as this is worthy

I shall covet our dream

cover it with my velvet night sky body

allow the glowing stars 

to guide our movement within

the bigger dream

the moon was watching

the trees saw it all

Friday, August 13, 2021

Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies

 Most folks realize that men can have feminine energy and vice versa. Feminine energy is less dense, more celestial. Masculine energy is more earthy, animalistic. Feminine energy is quicker and brighter, like shooting stars. Masculine energy is clunkier, more tangible and deliberate. 

Feminine energy has purpose and intention of course, but it moves more quickly with softness and intensity intertwined. This is not about body parts, it is about energy. So, it should not be hard to understand why trans folks feel the way they do about gender identity. A trans person may feel more fem. or masculine or neither or both! From an energetic perspective it is not hard to see and relate!

All of us have a combination of gender energies. One is often predominant but not always. This assessment is just one opinion and I am open to other ideas of gender energy and presentation of each.

I have felt more feminine and other times more masculine, meaning, more action driven. But the feminine energy makes me more receptive, and able to hold space. It is hard to explain but it is worth trying to articulate. 

Divine feminine energy is associated with deep compassion, nurturing, receptivity, freedom to be authentic, comfort and peace, power from within, love, protection and more. 

Divine Masculine energy is associated with protection, taking action, directing energy toward a goal, peace and compassion, high frequency of love, honoring the truth of genuine expression and more. 

As you see, there are overlap between the two because the divinity holds certain powers and associations. Divinity itself has no gender. Many understand that God has no gender. Gender is experienced by people as a social construct. There are no right or wrong ways to express gender no matter who you are. It is my prayer that we awaken to this and put an end to discrimination and other damaging attitudes and actions against those who wish to be free to identify however they wish.

There are many more related issues I will not be getting into for this post but I may touch on them later on. Many cis-gendered women have problems with how to define women's only space because of trans presence in their midst. Without getting into it here, I will say that this can be worked out peacefully and respectfully to all who wish to find connection with like minded folks. We can be kind and create spaces for folks of all walks of life and ways of identifying. It just takes some awareness, compassion and commitment. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A place for your soul to rest

Looking back, I did not know what it meant to be in possession of my own soul, for the longest time. So, we can start with a definition. What is a soul? There are so many answers clamoring to be seen, repeated, known and heard. The one I have landed on that seems to resonate is this: a soul is the light energy that enlivens and awakens our bodies and minds, connects us to imagination, memory, creativity and many more experiences. A soul is a part of you that travels to other dimensions of existence, has been with you generally through more than one lifetime as a human and can exist in forms outside of just human ones. 

When was it you first realized your material existence was limited, not bad, just limited? Have you realized this yet? If so, you may have begun your own way of searching. We have the phrase "soul searching" for a good reason. We are, so many of us, seekers of some kind. We seek out answers to mysteries that lead to more questions and lead us to construct theories, ideas, hopes, fears, desires, all related to the journey of our souls. But where and when, does our soul find a place to rest? Do we have to wait until death for that? Does it even happen then? Or, can we find ways of resting our souls while we are alive? 

Many of us are familiar with methods that lots of humans use to ensure their bodies are taken care of, and experiencing pleasure. That does not equate with soul rest.

We are mostly all aware of massage, saunas, steam rooms, even hot showers and baths, as tools for relaxation and rejuvenation. These are examples of places where our bodies rest, but they might not be the answers if you are looking for a more transcendent experience for your soul. 

The other question that comes up a whole lot is how do we differentiate between the human soul and the human spirit? I am not an expert but I do have a way of seeing these two parts of us. The spirit is the life force energy that connects us directly to the Creator, or the Universe, if you wish to call it that. The human spirit is the breath we have in our midst, the intake of breath in and out is a hallmark of our spirit. We have a mystical connotation with our Spirit. Some might say our individual spirits are holy and they communicate information to the rest of our consciousness through intuition and other mystical gifts. If any of this rings true for you, it is time to look into ways of restoring, healing, nurturing and resting our spirits as well as our souls. 

Some people use the words "spirit" and "soul" interchangeably. I do not see a problem with that. I tend to see the soul as an entity within us that can travel through space and time and carries a specific imprint of who we are at the deepest level, transcending lifetimes, but the spirit is an entity within us that lives as we live and dies only in the sense of leaving the body, but is always going to go back to the source of all life force energy. Spirit and Soul are connected and in some ways similar but as I understand them, they can be seen as separate entities we all use while participating in life. 

One simple experience that could bring a sense of rest to the soul is the simple act of building a small, contained fire and watching the flames. Earth, Air, Fire and Water are four elements that nourish and transform and illuminate our Souls. We learn from them in modern times and have over the span of human history. Spending time in natural spaces, whether it is a forest, a beach, a desert or a garden, can be restful to our souls. 

Finding a relationship where you feel at home, whether it is a friendship or romantic or even within your family, can be restful. This can be more challenging for some because we are not guaranteed to find people who feel like a place to rest. Anytime we do find this, it is an enormous blessing.  

Looking more deeply into what feels like rest for your soul, it appears that within your own being are keys to finding what you seek. Carving out time for yourself and dedicating time to that which interests and uplifts and awakens you is highly recommended. Get to know yourself on every level. This helps prepare you for partnership, for friendship and for your own unique journey.

Forgive yourself relentlessly. Build empathy for others. Awaken to the suffering and the joy. Get comfortable with sitting with suffering, sitting with the hard questions and still, remember to play. Remember to infuse humor into as many situations as you can. Some situations will be decidedly heavy, so sink into that heaviness. If you are dealing with addiction/s, be very gentle with yourself but get into recovery. Dive into recovery and remember this is all so very temporary. Nobody is promised another day. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Forgive others, but hold boundaries and respect yourself. 

All of these suggestions point toward a place to rest, and a way for your soul to settle in to your body and make a good home there for the time you live on earth. How we treat others and how we treat ourselves directly relates to the wellness or imbalance of our souls' journey in this plane of existence. The earth plane is full of lessons for those who are paying attention. Create intentions for healing, good health and happiness, and follow through with those intentions. 

The next insight I have to share is that the soul is a self healing mechanism. What I mean by this is to say the soul has the power to effectively facilitate your healing journey. No matter what traumas your body or mind have experienced, your soul is a multidimensional mechanism that can deeply help to heal any and everything within you needing healing. Before I go further in this explanation, I wish to address the issue of some folks not ever seeming able to heal themselves, some folks seem to be stuck in cycles of trauma, pain, discomfort, and seemingly endless problems. That is naturally going to occur. What it generally means is they have not been able to, for whatever reason, tap into the souls' natural healing capacity or they can only tap in superficially but are unable to go all the way with what the soul is really able to do for the overall well being of the human that is involved. 

When a person is able to tap into the soul's healing abilities, which can happen in many different ways, waves of healing will wash over them. It does not feel the same for each individual. What feels like waves of healing for some, may feel like jolts of energy, bursts of energy. There was one experience I had with soul healing wherein I felt and saw all this sparkly energy coming back to my body. My eyes were closed so I saw this with my minds eye.

There are a number of ways you can call up this self healing ability. Sometimes, it truly happens without being beckoned, it simply arrives within you. I have experienced that as well. The best action to take to call this energy and power into your life is to take deeply excellent care of yourself. I am not talking about superficial methods of self care, I mean to truly give yourself what you need on the deepest level. That can look all kinds of ways. Consistently though, it looks like self love, self affirmation and cultivation of self compassion.

You may need to send versions of your past self lots of compassion! You may need to let go of certain relationships. You may need to learn body acceptance before you can learn to love yourself fully and entirely. Take baby steps if you need to. Take your time and continue to affirm at each point that this journey is a homecoming. If you create the conditions for your soul to be welcomed home to rest inside you and fill you with compassionate energy, all of this is more likely to happen. But, as I have said, sometimes soul healing is spontaneous and comes to you whether you have summoned it or not. That is the nature of the power of your soul. I speak from experience. I know that if my soul has done these things that other folks can have similar experiences.  


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Personal mission statement

 I have always wanted to be and will always be a peacemaker. 

I will not weaponize my thoughts, speech or actions against anyone.

I will defend myself if attacked, but most often I will de-escalate any

situation that involves aggression or violence of any kind. 

If I ever fall short of this, I will renew it as a contract in the 

new and coming moments. I will avoid fighting and will 

employ peace, reason, compassion and forgiveness as my tools. 

I will bless those who consider themselves enemies of me

and hold space for their transformations. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021



starting with an open heart

the universe asks me to fill it

I am not reaching anymore

I am standing still

I am sitting still

I have stopped coming out of myself

to meet the world and all she offers

feet planted firmly on earth

sitting standing moving

\through her dense dimensions

while anchored to earth and stars

and all the relevant planets

no longer questioning

Am I talented enough?

I know I am worthy

and I will help you see

you are worthy too


perched above a celestial ocean of mirrors

she embraces truth

leaving offerings for the next travelers to this dimension

offerings of crystals radiating high frequencies of 

beauty, love and the powers of cleansing

she comes home to Spirit

after certain battles have drained her dry

and Spirit fills her with light energy

and cleanses with the waters of the radiant heavens

and her soul becomes refreshed

anchored in trust, embedded in the powers of Spirit

across all space and time

Eventually she can take off her heavy warrior mask

but not before she has defeated fear

Spirit whispers come closer, come near. 

Friday, January 8, 2021

How do I start my shadow work?

 If you are someone who knows about shadow work, and wants to find a place to start when it comes to diving into it, I would be honored to help you begin. The methods I use could be considered therapeutic but this is not therapy. at least not the traditional kind.

It will be powered by your will and desire to integrate shadow content with your light within, in order to bring you deeper understanding of your human condition. You do not need to tell anyone about this but you can if you wish to. This is for your healing process, not an ego driven checklist of spiritual tasks that you will use to craft an identity suited to please others. This is For You. 

One of the best ways to start is with compassion. You will need compassion for all of your shadow work and I intend to help you direct it toward yourself! Some might be great at this and have already practiced it. Others will have some trouble with it. I will try to write out the first exercise mindful of the many levels that varying folks are at. 

Start with a story from your past, and a version of yourself that you have trouble with. This will be a part of yourself and your journey you probably have never told anyone about but that still haunts you. I am speaking of painful times, ones where you felt loss, anger, betrayal, jealousy, embarrassment and shame or many other possible discomforts. It does not matter if you caused the problems or if trauma happened to you, in both cases you can apply what I suggest. 

Exercise 1:

Carve out at least 20 minutes for yourself, get comfortable and make sure you won't be bothered. 

Call to mind that version of you, it can be from the past or even the present. Get familiar with that version, what does he or she look like, feel like, and where is he or she? Find her or him as the inner light of guidance within yourself. Find her or him and sit with your version. Walk with him or her. Does he or she have anything to say to you? Since this is you, you will know how the version feels. Ask him or her what she or he wants from you.

In many cases you can create an energy blanket of love to drape around his or her body. Fill that blanket with love, compassion, and forgiveness. Tell this version you know they did the best they could at the time with the tools they had. Gently tell them they will get more tools to handle their challenges if they need them. Spend some time with this version. Listen to what they say and watch what they do, if anything. No matter what, share your compassionate energy with them. 

At this point, you can get specific about what happened to cause the pain or problems. Be totally honest, this is conversation between your self and another part of your psyche, so you cannot really hide. The integrating process can only happen when the honesty is complete and total in every way.


Present version: I know I could not have protected you/us when the trauma occurred but I am here now and I can help you with my own strength and compassion. As you heal, so will I. 

younger self: I want to trust that but I still feel unsafe. I still feel like I will be hurt again.

Present: I hear you and I hold you in a powerful space of love and grace. I have learned new tools to help keep both of us safe. 

younger: I am listening but still unsure. I want to believe you. 

Present: I will show you over time that we will get better and be ok. Someday we will even thrive. But for now, I will keep visiting you in my heart and thanking you for shielding me in a way you never should have had to do. 

End of Exercise 1.

The point to this is to not go too fast or do too much right away. I hope this makes sense to you and that you get something good out of it. 

If you want more content like this and healing practice information visit me at

Thursday, January 7, 2021

More than Jesus?

 I have encountered Christians who are open minded but who still wonder why anyone would need more than Jesus on their spiritual walk?

Isn't Jesus enough? Didn't he do enough for us? Sure, he has been associated with many miraculous acts and with a highly impressive identity. However, I can only truly believe what happens in the private space of my prayers, not what has been written down by the hands of men, with agendas they do not usually make known. I have learned from the stories about him and some of the stories feel legitimate. The bible, the Torah, the Quran, comprise the three holy books of the Abrahamic Faiths. There are other Jewish Holy books but for now we will consider these three.

I know Jesus, not through scripture but through my own prayers. I know the space of unconditional love and healing he represents in my mind. I know the peace he represents in my heart. The actions taken by those who claim the identity of Christian do not make it into that heart space. They are outside, they are separate. They do not dictate what I do, think or believe. 

 This portrayal of Jesus as healer, in the bible, feels very real and quite important. It is the most important piece of information to me, that he was a healer. He worked with energy to heal people and he attributed these healings all to God. He spoke out for the most marginalized and hurting parts of the populations he was a part of. This is what I feel when I connect to him. Therefore, when I do energy healing work with people, when I use the drum and shamanic techniques, I know he is with me in those actions. 

I know that Jesus said people would do greater works than him, and it is because this is known that I do not fear any harm coming to me for doing healing work. I do not have to constantly name him in all that I do because my works speak for me and if Jesus is the healer the stories say he is, then he would bless the work I do. I know he does so anyway. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Energy Shifts Now

 Before now, I have not posted about what I receive from spiritual guides or inner guidance. I have been cautious but open about my own thoughts. I feel called tonight to share a bit of what I have been picking up on when I get quiet enough to hear it. Since 2012 at least, but probably before that, our planet has been undergoing tremendous energy shifts. At some point in the future science will be verifying what intuitive folks already know.

The events of today are catalytic in the sense that they will lead to the next phase of changes. There are many ways this change can happen but all the ways involve the crumbling of the masks that people have been wearing. They do so to prop themselves up into positions of power and promote corruption, once in secret, now much more openly.
The masks are an important piece to this. Humanity has always had a shadow side. Abrahamic religions would say this shadow side falls under the "sin" category. But that misses some of the point. Shadow can be integrated and once it is, it can serve the purpose of more complete understanding of our human condition. Sin is supposed to be taken away or forgiven. But the masks hide shadow content, and all of that can be transformed. All of that can be integrated.
The question now is, what do we do when the masks fall? What do we do when the ugliness and violence that has always been there in some form, becomes blatant and in your face? To some parts of the population, this violence has been well known from the start.
Now, it seems, we are at a crossroads. A festering sore, left untended, will get worse and could become lethal. We ignore these signs of unrest and privileged violence at our peril. We must come up with solutions that include doing deeper work. It must not fall on the marginalized people to simply forgive the perpetrators, we must do better than that. That would be like asking people to jump from deeply wounded to healed without any medicine or treatment at all. That is not how this works!!
The energy changes on our planet support the cleansing of our bodies and minds from the kind of suffering that sickens and divides us. Nature holds most of our remedies and we are in great danger of making the planet uninhabitable. Once the masks fall, we are left with the real identities of humans that have ingested so much cruelty, led with so much disregard, hate and indifference they are energetically hardly recognizable as humans. Again, some intuitive folks already know this.
I am coming to you from a place of fierce compassion. All the love and light talk ends up usually sounding naïve, tone deaf and superficial. If we have reverence for the shadow and are finding ways to integrate our own personal shadow material, we can find our way to more lasting solutions. Many of us are wary of religion and suspicious of spiritual communities, and for good reasons. Lots of folks who have charismatic personas and catchy ways to make spiritual work sound good are wearing masks for sure. Charlatans are everywhere.
Back to the energy changes in our midst! I encourage you to explore, in all sincerity, your role in these changes. There is hard work ahead but if we foster patience and hope, we will move through this phase and the next few by transforming, uplifting, integrating, and truth telling. Join me, the loving guides, the loving Ancestors and other spiritual forces you want in your corner.
We were born with instructions and guidance within us. Now is our time more than ever before.