Thursday, January 7, 2021

More than Jesus?

 I have encountered Christians who are open minded but who still wonder why anyone would need more than Jesus on their spiritual walk?

Isn't Jesus enough? Didn't he do enough for us? Sure, he has been associated with many miraculous acts and with a highly impressive identity. However, I can only truly believe what happens in the private space of my prayers, not what has been written down by the hands of men, with agendas they do not usually make known. I have learned from the stories about him and some of the stories feel legitimate. The bible, the Torah, the Quran, comprise the three holy books of the Abrahamic Faiths. There are other Jewish Holy books but for now we will consider these three.

I know Jesus, not through scripture but through my own prayers. I know the space of unconditional love and healing he represents in my mind. I know the peace he represents in my heart. The actions taken by those who claim the identity of Christian do not make it into that heart space. They are outside, they are separate. They do not dictate what I do, think or believe. 

 This portrayal of Jesus as healer, in the bible, feels very real and quite important. It is the most important piece of information to me, that he was a healer. He worked with energy to heal people and he attributed these healings all to God. He spoke out for the most marginalized and hurting parts of the populations he was a part of. This is what I feel when I connect to him. Therefore, when I do energy healing work with people, when I use the drum and shamanic techniques, I know he is with me in those actions. 

I know that Jesus said people would do greater works than him, and it is because this is known that I do not fear any harm coming to me for doing healing work. I do not have to constantly name him in all that I do because my works speak for me and if Jesus is the healer the stories say he is, then he would bless the work I do. I know he does so anyway. 

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