Friday, November 12, 2021

Why we need the Goddess

Have you noticed that when it comes to representation for the Goddess and her followers, most often she is portrayed in ways that belittle her, make fun of her or her people, and put down the Goddess centered worldview? Often, the characters in shows and movies that associate with her are boundary- less hippies who we do not ever take seriously. Or, they show people who are "crazy" and also are not taken seriously. Rarely if ever, do I see representation in the media where the Goddess is seen as a fierce force to be reckoned with, alongside many other aspects of her that are feminine, softer, more yin against the contrast of yang. I long to see her many aspects represented in ways that empower human women, and allow men, trans and non binary people to thrive in her compassion. 

The Goddess, how I understand her, fits into a real worldview. She is embodied in nature and in our human selves, our bodies, our minds, our spirits. She is both archetypal and totally literal and real. She is the moonlight, the patterns of stars, the blood in all of our blood lines, the forests, the oceans, the animals. She is imbued in all of creation and she is a Creator. Her aspects show up in archetypal ways, and we have given names to those ways, Tara, Athena, Brigid, Inanna, Yemaya and many more. All over the world, her powers and her energies show up. The gates she guards open onto sacred ground, sacred waters. All of this earth and the elements are sacred in her ancient -turned -modern rites. 

I call this Blog "Tara's Tongue" after an awakening to the idea that the mother tongue of our species is a compassionate one and that Tara, is a Matron goddess in her own right, of transcendent compassion. So the language of compassion is her trademark. When we speak, think and act with compassion, we are met with her strength and support. She will guide your speech and your actions if you ask her to and open to her. If that is not for you, you can still find many other paths of inspiration within the practices of Goddess religion, if you choose to. 

So, why do we need her? I have named more than a couple reasons already here. However, if you still are unsure why we need or could benefit from a Goddess centered worldview, I will paint more of a picture of our circumstances. Many of you know that patriarchal religions now rule the world and that the patriarchy is embedded into world cultures. Followers of pagan and Goddess religions are the minority, although their numbers are growing. Surviving the patriarchy, for so many of us, involves a kind of going underground, changing who we are and wearing masks we do not really want to wear. We are forced to wear masks and change our way of thinking and being because violence and oppression has been and is threatened if we do not comply. For so many men and boys, being "feminine" means being too vulnerable and can result in being harmed. For others, being too masculine is punished. A Goddess centered worldview provides relief from this kind of pain. All genders are welcome and accepted in this worldview. 

Seeing divinity defined by male Gods exclusively does harm to our collective psyche and our individual psychology. It makes us unbalanced and off balance in our assessments of ourselves and each other. If we have a broken mirror that constantly reinforces a broken view, we need healing from this and a new method of mirror gazing/self reflection.

There is much more to say but for now I will pause here. 

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