Friday, August 13, 2021

Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies

 Most folks realize that men can have feminine energy and vice versa. Feminine energy is less dense, more celestial. Masculine energy is more earthy, animalistic. Feminine energy is quicker and brighter, like shooting stars. Masculine energy is clunkier, more tangible and deliberate. 

Feminine energy has purpose and intention of course, but it moves more quickly with softness and intensity intertwined. This is not about body parts, it is about energy. So, it should not be hard to understand why trans folks feel the way they do about gender identity. A trans person may feel more fem. or masculine or neither or both! From an energetic perspective it is not hard to see and relate!

All of us have a combination of gender energies. One is often predominant but not always. This assessment is just one opinion and I am open to other ideas of gender energy and presentation of each.

I have felt more feminine and other times more masculine, meaning, more action driven. But the feminine energy makes me more receptive, and able to hold space. It is hard to explain but it is worth trying to articulate. 

Divine feminine energy is associated with deep compassion, nurturing, receptivity, freedom to be authentic, comfort and peace, power from within, love, protection and more. 

Divine Masculine energy is associated with protection, taking action, directing energy toward a goal, peace and compassion, high frequency of love, honoring the truth of genuine expression and more. 

As you see, there are overlap between the two because the divinity holds certain powers and associations. Divinity itself has no gender. Many understand that God has no gender. Gender is experienced by people as a social construct. There are no right or wrong ways to express gender no matter who you are. It is my prayer that we awaken to this and put an end to discrimination and other damaging attitudes and actions against those who wish to be free to identify however they wish.

There are many more related issues I will not be getting into for this post but I may touch on them later on. Many cis-gendered women have problems with how to define women's only space because of trans presence in their midst. Without getting into it here, I will say that this can be worked out peacefully and respectfully to all who wish to find connection with like minded folks. We can be kind and create spaces for folks of all walks of life and ways of identifying. It just takes some awareness, compassion and commitment. 

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