Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Transformation through Forgiveness

 In the 1960's, they said, war is over, if you want it. if you want it to be over, it is. Now, that is an oversimplified statement by some folks who had probably smoked something that made them feel wise. Here in 2015, wars still exist.

So, when the dust settles and the smoke clears, leaving us with our own thoughts, how mixed up with different layers and intentions we find they are! We all have that going on, some of the time at least.

Peace has many components. It is not simple or boring! One of the greatest enemies of peace in our hearts, communities and in this world is that folks think peace is just sitting still, saying mantras or prayers and not DOING anything.

Peace makers, who really understand that without justice there will never be peace, without eliminating exploitation know there will still be those who rage against injustice, and are right to do so. Peace for those who have what they need and then some, is not peace for all. Peace, prosperity and justice are so totally and utterly intertwined I cannot imagine someone trying to take them apart.

For this exact reason, I have developed the 7 steps for the Prosperity movement. We all need concrete steps to take toward the world that I argue, MOST of us really want.

People ask me how the currency aspect will work. I have some ideas about that, ones that can be modified to fit the best model to be implemented for each self defined community. I ask that if you are first coming to this kind of visioning and want to understand how it could be manifested, first think of it this way.

If you have a bank account, if you have a wallet, you have probably put currency in these containers and taken it out to buy what you wanted or needed. Here a flash of truth, that currency USD, yen, Euros and so on, is entirely made up.

Since it is made up, our gaps between the wealthy and the poor throughout human history are made up. The suffering created by greed and prejudice and so on has been such a part of our psychological make up as people, that we have been essentially trained to think inside of these made up conditions for suffering.

Delving further into this mess, some of the healing we need to do on individual levels and on the group level, is transformation through forgiveness. Anxiety and other types of pain around poverty and the violence that can come with poverty are encoded in the DNA of many, many people. This DNA level of pain is carried in folks of a myriad of different backgrounds and cannot be ignored much longer.

Many of our ancestors did not go through what many of them went through so that we, their descendants can create negative situations over and over, making the same mistakes previous human societies have made. We need to evolve past those mistakes and we need to enlighten ourselves and awaken ourselves to the temporary nature of the physical world including what money can buy and do.

Once we begin to wake up around these tender places, we will be able to transform our lives and our planet in ways most of us have not thought was possible. When we forgive ourselves, for every and anything, we change the spiritual temperature of our existence. We introduce compassion. When we forgive each other, not because the person or group deserves or does not deserve this, but because the process of forgiveness and the results of it are so desirable, we literally change our world, our interactions our transactions.

We think we have been trapped, that the anger and bitterness of old pain and suffering will always suck us in.

We are not trapped. We are on the brink of permanently getting free from that which does not sustain humanity and respect the animal, plant and spirit worlds. We are so close to it, some of us can almost smell or taste it.

This long needed alternative requires a shift from what we know, from our comfort zones. Growing pains will happen. But I promise, if we stay focused on goals that serve the highest good, the rewards from this work will be beyond what we can imagine, in a powerful, loving, centered, profound way.
I urge you to stay with me as the changes we will make, mind, heart, body and spirit begin to take hold. We are at an incredible crossroads.

Love yourself, every crevice and part of your body. Love other people, give them space, respect their boundaries. Dig deep for the compassion we need. I am with you and will update soon!!
Here are: The 7 steps for the Prosperity Movement, which I have created as a starting point for discussions about what currency could mean for the world, and is moving in a direction away from what it has been:

1.      Create Currency according to need not greed. A certain amount of agreed upon currency that lasts a lifetime is in place for Every human birth.

 2. Regarding all those who live below the poverty level, they receive an amount to last them a lifetime, and can be resupplied if the currency was spent on any sort of help or treatment for anything at all that is hurting the person.

3. The few limitations put upon these amounts for all in need or who want the benefit of this new currency, must agree to let go ALL weapons of War. Guns, swords, battleships, Air Force, Navy, and all Military paraphernalia will be melted down or otherwise transformed into useful items that promote life, beauty, health and all manner of good and blessed things. We cannot keep peace and prepare for war.

 4. The prosperity's revolutionary aspect maintains the stance that military pacifists are at the forefront of this movement. Our financial abundance and potential happiness as humans depends closely upon the end of WAR as we know it.

 5. The community organization and main template connect directly to the Planetary Healing Arts Enterprise.

 6. Any person receiving this currency may have need for a specific kind of healing.

 7. This could be a call for massage, surgery, eyeglasses, knee braces and treatment for any ailment out there.  All is covered by the enterprise, and it is worldwide, covering therapy, physical or emotional.


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