Friday, October 24, 2014

Revisiting the Self Sabotage

she revisits destiny
following the path less traveled and then
her path of least resistance might make the river crooked,
some say but what do they know? and maybe crooked rivers are just misunderstood

she revisits hope
and examples really have surfaced
that give reason to believe there is reason to hope
she will evermore be the one saying
throw me the rope

she revisits trust
finding more and more reasons to extend trust
to those who are proving themselves worthy
easy to love, not quite so easy to trust

she revisits the reversal
ands sees it from all directions
in one place she stayed almost the same
tethered to old sadness and shame
in another place she flew free
complete and whole for all to celebrate and see
in yet another corner of some abstract unfolding universe
she begins a new path, combining and re-defining
designing and brightly shining

she revisits intimacy
where all is well, grounded, nurtured and nurturing
to discover intimate love in the context of one of,
if not the most
profound loves she has ever experienced

she revisits integrity
having grown more clear about how to walk
with the kind of integrity
always coveted by her higher self
it takes awareness
it takes patience
it gives peace of mind

she revisits truth
for the heart of the matter
is powerful enough
to make deep dimensions grow flatter.

Dressed in substance and matter,
her spirit seeks the whole truth
the truth she sought out so many times
while committing unfortunate crimes
against herself
calling forth this need
to reverse the numerous ways she sabotages
her very being
how many relate
need to undo layers of self hate
self neglect
forgot to protect
these needs simmering beneath the surface

she takes the path less traveled
pieces back together all that fell apart unraveled
less and less self sabotaging
put it all together now, like collaging
her way forward
a conscious evolution

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