Friday, October 10, 2014

Esoteric and Realistic Exploration- Please join me

Many besides me have already identified the nature of that which plagues American society.
I will not go over the problems but as I attempt to do often, I will stay solution oriented.

It feels as though we are on the edge of a shift in our own energy bodies that will lead to a truly and utterly healthy, fun, artistic, amazing world that a majority of us want to live in.

There is no excuse for any kind of abuse. Abuse and exploitation are not our destiny as a species. Wholeness, evolving and shifting and changing and loving and growing and letting go of that which no longer serves us is our destiny, if we claim it. We must define our destiny on the microcosmic level to the macrocosmic level.

Let us steer this planet, each one teaching another one, as we live and let live. We have always known where we are going and that we cannot get there by car, or plane or boat, we must purify from the inside out. Then we will identify the path we walk. This kind of path has never been the one chosen by a majority of people. Now we are in a situation where we must evolve more as a  species or we will die by our own hands.

We need to see everyone, no exception, giving up what no longer serves humanity. What no longer serves humanity? War, bigotry, prejudiced based conflict, and many other things commonly seen in our world. What will it take to phase out these behaviors, the behaviors that keep us from uniting? They keep us from creating a reality that will serve the highest good for the most people, and for our natural environments upon which we depend for sustenance, shelter and beauty.

Ideally, an evolved society is built around mutual understanding of the gifts that each member brings to the collective uses, and this model of society has built in answers for what would be considered unnecessarily destructive tendencies. Dissent and debate are natural, healthy and part of an authentic discourse. A society that does not fear or silence debate around rules and boundaries is one that has room to grow, room to shift with the shifting of all the people involved.

There is no need for censorship when the power structures are not based on elite, or hierarchical entities. Due to the earlier stated description of an each one teach one model, we can finally start to embody and display to each other what it means to embrace a diverse reality wherein no person is expected to compromise their own self or identity or be disrespected as long as they are not threatening or disrespecting other people. I will leave it here when it comes to descriptions of how we can transform what we have into what we want. It will not be perfect, it will not be utopia, and this is because the idea of perfect and utopian places vary from person to person, group to group.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

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