Monday, September 25, 2017

Waking up and the Ascension Process

In my early 20s -- I am now 38-- I got into the idea of Ascension, the Fifth Dimension and all kinds of things that, at the time, the early to mid 2000s, were still considered fringe new age crap that only naïve suckers who live in fantasy would ever give any attention to.

I went underground, in a sense, when it came to my deep fascination with these topics, mostly due to the scorn and ridicule that they received in certain circles. I kept it quiet, but I never lost interest and I never stopped secretly studying ascension in myself and the energy of others, their relationship to the dream they were dreaming about reality and the stories they told that made up reality.

I was comfortable with the fact that I was dreaming too, and that I could make my stories malleable and my life and disposition playful, and this felt quite freeing. Freedom within the mind can be a precious and coveted internal story. Many have a lot of lessons to learn before they have this within themselves. Consciousness has interplay and interactions with many parts of ourselves before we are made ready to have higher levels of consciousness inhabit us. Bless it be.

Well, over a decade later, I find myself back at the place once so scoffed at, but now, the search on the internet brings up find after find of folks who take this seriously. Hopefully they do not take themselves seriously as that is one of the main points of ascension in my opinion, but, on we go, from wherever we were!

Waking up, and the ascension process sound like the same thing to most of us. However, for those who are talking ascension, this is an interconnected process of deeper and more constant realization that we are linked to all that is on and within this planet in a higher or spiritual way and acting from this place of realization is a kind of waking up. Waking up has multiple definitions but it is usually distinguished by the person waking in a more personal, individual experience.

Ascension can be linked to the Ascended Masters, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Mary Magdalene, and many others. The Ascension of a human is also an otherworldly process and experience but is one that happens while in a human body, the Light Body becomes evident and many times people experience astral travel, or the kind of time travel that is possible for a living being. It is not the same for each and every person who takes part in the process.

One way I can describe what I see so far is that, when one realizes that we are literally writing our own scripts and stories and that what we give our attention to internally and externally, gets bigger, stronger and closer to us, in terms of the power it has to play in our story.

This could be an addiction, or it could be a musical gift. It could be a person or group, or another fascination and so on. When we truly see that we are manifesting without realizing it, and we manifest through lower to higher frequencies we start to see what lines up with us naturally, what we are calling to ourselves.

As our awareness of our thoughts becomes heightened and if we clear out our mental space so there is less mental and emotional clutter to get in the way of our reach to higher frequencies, we get better more quickly at manifestation. When I was at the beginning of this search, I thought this part of the journey was ridiculous. I did not believe it would happen for me. When it did, I started to get more impressed and fascinated by this part of the human story.

Do we need the whole of humanity to start an ascension process for the planet to ascend to higher frequencies? I would answer, no, not really. I say this due to the fact that it is very unlikely that all people will embrace this idea or way of moving through the world. One guess I have is that ascension is a kind of democratic, or majority rule system.

I will go out on a limb here and assert that if the majority of people begin waking up to their internal guidance and the energies they can tap within to change themselves and their environment, that will be the part of the population that leads the way within evolution and within other, not yet formed systems of operation for Earth, for Gaia.

Some folks believe we are near the end, that we do not have time, but the part of us that is Spirit and our Angels and Guides, know that we are eternal and we have the power to change ourselves, our lives and our world, because it is mundane and it is magic. It truly is a magical reality.

Of course that gets into what we think magic is, what physics can tell us, what particles and waves and frequencies are. We must share the knowledge we have. It makes no sense to live in a realm where some folks can see and feel within the scope of many colors and many dimensions, while others feel like paper cut out dolls in black and white.

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