Sunday, September 10, 2017

New Type of Session Offerings from Imaya's Modalities

Mother Wound, Father Wound, Relative Wound. Entity Extraction.

1.What are Mother/Father and Relative Wounds and how are they addressed by this work?

Keeping in mind that I work with energy, on the eternal level, I can address the past, present and future in regard to any painful or dysfunctional wounding left from the client's mother, father or anyone who played any kind of relative role for the client. In doing this work, I am able to hold clear the vision of a reality where all the residual pain or problems from the mother wound are totally gone, cleared away, healed, and this leaves the client free from the patterns holding them. Often there have been long periods of times in a clients life that have led them to wonder, can I ever release the hold this pain, pattern, fear, wound or negative energy has had on me?

The answer is yes, you absolutely can release it. If I am the one best suited to work with you about this, you will know, you will feel it and you will be guided to find me and I will be able to offer you the time and space to do this work. It is highly rewarding, incredibly helpful, sacred, holistic and when the client is ready, we can introduce a sense of humor about the process. If using humor feels useful and appropriate, we can take that route. If not, we will stay with what feels right for each session. It can take one session, or depending how deep we decide to go, it can take more sessions, to feel that the work has come to a conclusion. The story can always be revisited if needed, later on.

2. What is an Entity Extraction and how does this work address it?

I have found, by working with people from all walks of life, that there are reasons some of us hear certain kinds of negative and self defeating thoughts. They might literally or figuratively beat themselves up when they could just as well have been kind and loving toward themselves. This can be the result of spiritual entities that get attached to the person, causing the person to believe the source of the lower vibrational thinking and feeling is from inside them, when in fact it is a result of  an entity that is attached to them. This attachment can cause anywhere from mild to very severe harm, depending upon the type of entity and the level of harmful energy it brings.

As a practitioner of healing arts, I am equipped to employ a number of tactics to remove the entity. The first step is always to get permission from the host or person suffering, and then I am ready to operate on many multi-dimensional levels as I remove it once and for all. These kinds of entities that attach themselves on people are no match for the magical tools at my disposal and I am able to obliterate the contract made between person and attachment. In most cases, there was a point when the person suffering was feeling so badly, they made a verbal, psychic or energy contract with the attachment. I can destroy those in such a way they can never resurface.

Overall, if it feels right to work with me on this or other issues, go ahead and contact me on this website, and I will respond quickly.

Many blessings and blissed out wonderment to you and to all!

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