Tuesday, June 30, 2015

beyond comparison

I write
in order to
breathe out
injustice and confusion
I write to relieve the oppressive intensity
of that undefinable pain
permeating the days as they flow into nights

and I am stuck
for a moment
then free as the wind
I am the wind
until I am the rock
and ego is a crack in this rock self
and light gets in there
but so does dust
and the ego is blown out
huge like a parachute
being lifted off the ground
the ego is a story I tell myself

nature is a story we tell ourselves
and the articulate mind
is its own contradictory blessing
but at the same time complete
the wholeness
of each experience
I could rhapsodize
I could look at you and rhapsodize
but then you would
quickly attribute that rhapsody
to your physical self
the most temporary
when I simply cannot help
but be struck by
alongside or other than
spaces in between your cells
then the spirit infused
that arises or moves
through us countless times
so that the myth of our path
our trajectory
can spin
keep spinning
words on wheels of time
spun spoken spiraling sent out
into atmosphere
mysteriously tied to the souls of the stars

what is cosmic truth telling you
if not
that you are
a definition beyond