Monday, June 22, 2015

Draft of Mission Statement for Template for Community Group or Organization, Planning Stages

Here is a draft of my mission statement:

This organization is non-hierarchical, the function of my role is to maintain integrity with the vision of thinking through each move in terms of seven generations from now. This model is created to fit into the more planetary Healing Arts Enterprise, encompassing the music business. I encourage Artists of all genders and types to break free of the restrictions of major labels.

Imaya' s Modalities Record Label follows the same credo that all people contribute as much or as little as they want and they will avoid being exploited by joining up and exploring the groundbreaking idea that as a musician, you can be heard and control your own labor in the studio, in production, in promotion and so on. Live music and Live Recordings will be considered one good way to get music presented to the public in a fun and accessible way.

About Medicine:

Medicine in this country has improved in some ways since ancient times, but the priorities of the people practicing medicine are dictated by paychecks. This would not be a problem, if doctors, all kinds of doctors, for all kinds of practiced treatments, were paid on the basis of wellness, not illness. The way it works now, if you are sick in any way, or need medical attention for any thing at all, your doctor is paid when you seek treatment.

 Imagine a world where all people who are licensed and train to treat the illnesses we get, as a species, were paid only when we are well. This would intentionally shift the priorities of people who need to pay mortgage or rent, or make car payments. They need to feed themselves, and feed family members, too. They need clothes, vacations. What exactly do they need? What should they earn? What are the tenets of the medical establishment's faith in western modalities? Eastern modalities? Combinations of different treatment practices? How can we, as global community, identify charlatans when it comes to medicine? Get in touch, if you want to engage this topic!

I have been thinking of the inroads to becoming an employer for longer than the people who know me even know. Now, I am launching a fantastic organization with an incorporated record label and there are no limits to how we will grow, I just know this is the humble, exciting beginning.

I send love to those who wish for the same clean air, protected public sources for pure water, other beautiful preserved natural environments that are desirable in every part of the planet we share. May we manifest this together. This is a vision that is, was, and shall be.

I have a growing sense of optimism and confidence in my leadership abilities. I talked to two gentlemen in suits who practice their faith, so far, down the street from mine.
I am happy to talk to so many different people, I have always been an Interfaith type, always excited by a good conversation, and genuine dialogue about ideas that matter.

What does the platform of publicity give a singer? First, it gives them access to the ears of many thousands or millions of pairs of ears and eyes, taking in the symbols and the messages both subliminal and intentional, that people who constructed the image of the singer have put out there.
What has been shifting for me, as a songwriter, lately is my ability to hold my tongue when it comes to my personal experiences and therefore interpretations of people in the public eye. In fact, I am not hostile toward the messages or music of many who have garnered a huge amount of attention.

What I have been breaking down are the intentions of the individuals who are quick to work extra hard to remain in the spotlight. Is it wrong or right? To be the center of attention, you will receive acclaim if you have charisma, beauty, something important to say, but of course the flip side of that exciting place to hold, is social crucifixion. Social suicide, or worse, character assassination.

Many others in past similar situations go unheard of, simply because our mainstream history books lie to us. If we were educated from the start to believe in and model our lives after those who gave their lives for many of the freedoms we enjoy today, would we be so morally and spiritually dead and bankrupt? Of course not, we would have so many more choices in our lives, we would be literally a happier, more thriving species.

If this is the first of my writing you have ever come across, I urge you, after you finish reading to sit alone for few minutes.
Clear your mind. Listen to your breath. Breathe deeply and close your eyes. Once you have started to feel the rhythm of your breath, invite the word calm into your out breath. Breathe in the word AIR and on the out breath, go ahead and say calm. Or say, I release you.

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