Saturday, July 11, 2015

We are mortal, We are Shadow and Light

Recently, I have been posting (on social media) activity that the Pope, of the Vatican nobility, has been a part of. I look very closely at times, without even meaning to, at the underlying possibilities of what I am seeing.

I was discussing with someone recently, that although people are in the public eye, famous or considered beautiful, their lives mean no more or no less than the person you just passed on the street asking for a dollar, convincingly homeless at that very moment.

One fact that faces all of us in this world, no matter what kind of category we find ourselves in, is our mortality. We will die someday. This fact, I see as one that unwittingly unifies us all. To put it in more certain and clarified terms, because we are born and die, regardless of status or wisdom or money or lack of money, we are in that same boat of mortality. Until you know for sure you have some other destiny, this is yours and mine and on and on.

All this said to point to the fact that Pope Saint Francis, like any other public figure, revered and held high over others for whatever reasons, is, to me, simply another human being, with all the light and shadow present in his inner world that any other may possess.

Since I am not (yet) gifted with the level of sight that would grant me a vision to know how light or how shadowy he truly is, I must go on some level of assumption that he manages himself in a fairly similar fashion as the rest of us do, struggling with what we know to be wrong or right, healthy or destructive, we pray, we struggle, we don't pray, we experience the range of emotions, we create our lives and levels of misery or joy due to each and every respective skill set.

Of course the glaring difference is that he is seen as a religious leader, famous the world over, in a long succession of other men, and only men, considered more holy than the average bloke.

I figure that in order to assess what needs to be celebrated, and what needs to have as little energy as possible going toward it, feeding it, we need to examine the deeds of a person, the actions they make known. Clearly the actions we are not made aware of may someday come to light and often do, unless some strange forces are protecting the particular person's historical image with some kind of agenda we may or may not know about.

The pope has done and said some amazingly smart and progressive things in my opinion and in the opinion of many who generally do not rally around Catholic leaders. We are happy about him because he has given us hope, he is not re-creating the suffering that Popes before him created, he is forging a new path. The fact that he is seen as threatening by people with such stiflingly conservative agendas is a point of beauty.

I choose to stay away from Organized Religions. It is my understanding that the Ascended Masters are not entities or deities who are tied into definitions and popular rule books drawn up by groups of humans who cannot prove almost anything beyond a shadow of a doubt. I am especially skeptical of people who reject science of all kinds, instead of welcoming what science can bring into an intelligent discourse of spiritual questions, topics and overall seeking.

I will come back to the themes I am outlining here soon but before I go and end this post, I say if you see or hear of a person, famous or not, who is putting energy and effort toward the upliftment of our turbulent and confusing human species; and if they show effort toward the protection of the vulnerable natural environments, healing and clean up, celebrate them, give them your energy and love. 

If you are the person making these efforts, give yourself love and encouragement; know that there are always forces of beauty, compassion and more, that are supporting you. Know this, know yourself, and keep learning and growing.

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