Sunday, February 1, 2015

"You think that this collection has a name and is a being" Praxis, Theory and Practice!!"

Confusion reigned supreme when animal was hunted for sport. The odd fact of life is this, when you take from the Animal spirit realm and this feeds you, and you have nothing in your heart or on your tongue but a desire to taste the flesh, you are sidestepping the fundamentally appropriate honor to give to this being who gave sacred life away that you might be fed!!

The animal is sentient, as all animals have been from the beginning of human contact. They create loyalties, they have emotions, they suffer, they die. The human animal, homo sapien, as we are called, is one that has reached a stage in evolution that can only be the crossroads.

There are theories about that which must be done so that the Gaia or Pachamama, spirit of mother earth can re-arrange and re-organize her self enough to regenerate life where there was confusion, deception and pain. She as an entity, or a web, is sentient. She can hear, think, feel and know, just as any other deity or group of deities that humans have offered sacrifices for in the past, in order to gain some sort of bounty. This sort of situation has always been the case for humans. How do I know?

It is a simpler answer than you may expect. When the forces of mother nature are abused, she responds with her own type of answer. I discussed this on the Muni bus with Ramu Aki one day and we muttered to each other about the terrible feelings urban trees have when the pollution from people choke the process they are trying to get through to bring oxygen to the air!! We were quiet for a bit, knowing and feeling it would not always be so unfortunate!

And now, we as a species are very close to a Deity or Goddess, seen in a Feminine way, called

She who hears the cries of the world.

She has been hearing our cries, even the ones internal, that have not been screamed or spoken of yet.

In order to clear up anger, dominance and pain in the dysfunctional patterns that reign supreme when there is no true Buffalo give away, and during a Kali Yuga, where Vedic beliefs are ignored, and animals are captive to systems of oppression, we must shed layers of our own false vision and false sight.

We are multi dimensional beings. We have all that we need to up lift ourselves and re focus. We do not need money, cars, or to be behind bars.

And yet socializing at bars, can be fun. As long as you can regulate your own appetites for the food and drink, without creating messes for others to clean up, let us partake of substances in a sacred way that have been coveted by agendas that are in their final hours. The bounty and beauty of this silly amazing loving nourishing planet is for all who can truly work to protect her and ourselves from abuse, neglect, damage and destructions. Buildings can fall, Corporations WILL go, we will have all that we need from the proverbial ashes that are left, to create the world that all of the most loving clear sighted visionaries dreamed of.

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