Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Information to spill

(I hear that)
people must learn
to find the peace
so elusive
so possible inside
the code must be broken
the way the code
has always been broken is
by those who have spoken
out of turn
getting ready to burn
why would you fear
when the world just might stop
when this whole illusive trip could be over
at any point
you stand there, smoking a joint
with time to kill, with information to spill
you always did reach out with the wings
the representations of complete freedom
with nothing to lose but so much to choose
we have choices and voices it would seem we have
all but abandoned so what's the plan then
are there higher powers that give us all these pretty flowers
are there pretty flowers that insist
and keep strongly indicating
some fantastic high rating
for some untouchable deity
requiring some measure of piety
leaving me wondering
why won't you smile at me?
back to the beginning
needing that essential elusive peace inside
taking all our senses for a ride
so plentiful so abundant
this fertile desire to manifest
a goal that has repeatedly been put to the test
the confidence, the knowing inside
that flow
and source
indicate infinity
so if you call on them
they are never busy
they lack gender race orientation of any kind
which lends to their everyday ability
to orient to suit your design desire need
it is you they will feed
as you stand there
against the wall
time to kill, information to spill
smoking a joint
about to make a point
arrive at a truth
shed some light
find an end to a fight
a solution
so bright

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