Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Leaving the light on, from Candle light to electricity, from here to infinity

The human race, in its infancy and for some time after, was a very different presentation of animals from how it presents now. In other words, we are a different animal, with new skills born of new machinery and machinations, and lost skills that were the ones directing us to the miracles of the old worlds, the old countries, the old and deep ancestral kinds of magic.

We had skills for telepathy and healing and leisure activities that were separate from what the printed word could influence and also the skills were totally separate from what we deal with now in terms of access to the mysteries and miracles of modern technology.

As the human race, we have evolved from creating the epic cave paintings and other equally impressive art, to the kind of art that has been manufactured and manipulated by different agendas that aim to commercialize our intent. I assert that most of what we take in now has been chewed up and spit out by capitalism or otherwise cheapened by the confusion and greed of the minority who possess tremendous wealth on this planet.

I see no point in listing the ways in which I am calling for the truth and I trust that those reading this are in tune with what is happening enough to know what I am saying is aligned with a factual assessment of this situation.

What can we create? What kind, color, and texture are the potential miracles born from our own liberation from the powers that be seeking to keep us imprisoned in war like mentalities? Yes, war has been with us from the beginning, we live in a realm of duality and it takes a certain kind of intelligence to hold two or more opposing truths or points of view as all equally true and possible, despite the glaring contradictions.

Forces that intend to keep us away from our birthright as psychically open, vibrationally clean and clear, whole beings, are the same forces that trumpet fear and violence as a means to an end, when in fact, all violence will ever really do is beget more violence. In the same vein, peace and reconciliation will beget more of the same. Forgiveness will liberate us from the cycles of monsters creating monsters in their own image, with their vibrationally askew paths of negative karma.

Who needs that? Nobody. Truly, nobody.

Being able to sit calmly and peacefully with opposing points of contradiction gets to the heart of what is needed to resolve the potentially warring factions in your mind. Of course, the mind is where all wars begin. The heart has the intelligence and power to resolve these wars. Union of heart and mind aligned with the intention to serve the highest good, the peaceful way is what we can aim for.

We incarnate for many purposes. An individual soul has many assignments and goals upon getting into a body and receiving the gift of being alive on earth. The challenges, the pain, the suffering, the battles on so many levels, it is all part of the set up that earth presents and it is our individual and collective mission to evolve in harmony with the ancient wisdom of our mother/father planet. I see earth as both or all genders, here before we came, and existing long after our mortal bodies have perished.

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