Saturday, January 16, 2016

New version of me, and maybe of you, too

The past several years of my life have been like a series of purging phases, getting rid of, getting out of, getting away from.

I invite you to think about what in your life could use purging, what can you release, let go of, choose to end...and know that beyond that action you took or could take, is a more grounded, happy, free you.

This is what I have found. Beyond the phases of purging and changing and transforming through work and conscious effort, I have found a new version of me. It is due to this decision to transform, in many ways and for many reasons, that I feel called now to the Restorative Shamanic Dream Work. This self work has resulted in my ability to more clearly and quickly see and assess where someone is in their journey, I can poetically and gently express it in new ways that an older version of me would not have done.

Now, when faced with the behavior of folks that is quite ugly, I send them metta, loving kindness and I feel the energy around the behavior transform. My loving kindness wishes are palpable, tangible, to me and maybe to others.

I know that as people, we are so often mired in complicated circumstances, and the ability to free yourself is something gurus have always exploited as a concept to wave before the faces of unhappy people. The steps to getting there and the tools to get there are not as easy to find as they are promoted to be.

I hope all can find the right tools, at the right time, when you are truly ready to be free from unnecessary suffering.

Contact me if you want to assess whether my sessions are for you.

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