Saturday, November 7, 2015

What is the planetary healing arts enterprise?

Our motto and mission statement:

"We practice the elimination of exploitation of all kinds"

This means in no uncertain terms that each person shall contribute as little or as much as they feel good about and is healthy for them. There will be no shaming, no telling folks what they should do, only sincere and heartfelt contributions. Amazing and real change cannot happen if people feel pressured by themselves or by others. Imagine, for a moment, will you, how different, and how much better our lives would be if we lived this way in all regards? It would take some real getting used to but I bet once we implemented this sort of way, we would not look back.

I created the idea for the enterprise for all practitioners of the healing arts to begin to identify the effects and realities of their good work with other people, animals and plants. The way this will happen is to identify those with knowledge of websites to create just one website where people can find other folks of like mind and like practice and close the very wide gaps created by wealth and elitism and classism. All who register or get involved will us will be asked to open their minds about currency and trade for what they do. In this manner, money will take on lesser value, and alternative methods of payment are options for those who have less and for those who have almost nothing. Why should there be such suffering when those who do healing arts could stop it?

My vision is that this site will be accessible and intelligently monitored to protect people from internet predator types so that it is a virtual safe space in that sense. Have I thought through all of the particulars and specifics yet? No, I feel for now that coming up with this is enough.

The community organization has been explained on this blog a bit and it is meant to be a template that other people can use, change, add to, so it becomes as useful and meaningful as possible.

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