Friday, August 21, 2015

Moving into a new phase- spirit of Transparency- can you get with this?

I am starting to prepare and practice the ceremonies to share with those who are on the same or a similar enough page to get down with my conscious intention shaping.

The idea is that we more or less become the change we want to see and that this becoming encompasses many others besides the usual suspects aka: folks who are doing their self work and/or work in the world to make change.

Identifying some of the biggest problems we face will be a start. They include polarization between groups, folks isolating from feeling overwhelmed by their own trauma or stress and denial that our condition as a species needs serious attention and tending to.

Censorship has been the name of the game, but that is changing, because oppressive forces cannot hold back the spirit of that which wants to evolve, get higher, better, more whole..

Comedy is a healing art. Drama, plays, improvisational activities are part of the healing way. If we cannot find formats to tell whatever stories we need or want to tell with a comedy slant or tragedy slant or a mix of all of them, we will feel stifled, controlled, and we will need to break free.

Any person who feels stifled or controlled or pushed to behave and or not behave in any particular way will at some point rebel. There are consequences to stifling feelings, the main consequence is that is how chi or prana, kundalini, (will explain later) gets blocked, then disease begins. Cancer begins with the overproduction of cells that lack comprehensible mitochondria, which is the powerhouse or leader of each cell. When too many cells have been produced that do not function properly, they become a tumor.

Tumors can grow exponentially due to lack of the proper diet, exercise, and healing energy treatments. This origin and the origin of almost all if not all diseases, are essentially connected to how our minds work. If we have been nurtured and respected, our bodies respond. The "Secret" of water is simply broken down to remind us that saline solution which helps our eyes when we need contacts is the same water of our blood and bodies. The water cycles in nature that have been with us on Gaia since the beginning of our ancestors and their dance with time are the same as they have ever been.

We just have to turn back the clock, so to speak, in our own minds and conscious reflections to find a space, our original reflection and face that feels familiar to us and we can from there, counteract illness, famine, pain, sadness, and all the shadows the human race can offer.

Sound simple? Of course not. I will update soon.

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