Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Flow of meaning always taking shape

Maybe it is the combined energies and intentions of the objects holding space on the altar in the front room. They seem to blend into the background while taking shape with the strength of the beauty they rode in on, the words are properly placed, the images are arranged to tell a story but only in the most subtle, intimate way. Most would walk by the fireplace and what is displayed on the altar with a dismissive nod, and without taking just a few moments to contemplate the strategy, the understated décor that is more than just an aesthetic treat.

Maybe it is an activated presence of Tara, goddess and bodhisattva and being of many roles, all embodied with fierce compassion, blessings of liberation, dissolver of suffering, giver of longevity. I know she fills the room at times and sinks behind invisible veils at other times. Her mantra is right there if one wished to speak it out and see how it feels on the tongue, yes, Tara's Tongue, the name of this blog. It implies mother tongue, it implies a language of compassion, which is one born of her spirit, her light, her courage, her being.

Maybe it is the balance of combined story and essence, as my fingers are guided to place and arrange and move and create and re-create and keep a flow of truth, a flow of meaning always taking shape. To the untrained eye and to the uninitiated, it simply looks like a gathering of objects and cards. One must already be meeting the world one visits in a deeper way to be cognizant of the reality created in the room by what has been shaped and what has been lined up together.

Maybe it is the application of this mantra: "Words weave intention" and that is what I apply when creating this space. It is not only the words that create intention, but each physical piece has a purpose. Each compilation is a snapshot but remains private.

Maybe you will need to create one of your own if you have not already, in order to truly know what I am saying.

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