Wednesday, March 4, 2015

And just a bit about a certain often misunderstood Deity....

Kali Ma

Kali is free from illusions and her fierceness and connection to rage is one piece of how she is perceived in many places on earth. She exists beyond the maya, the temporary illusory dreams that humans are dreaming. She has transcended the place where humans dwell. Her moksa (ultimate spiritual liberation) can become the goal for a human worshiper who wants moksa for her or himself. Liberation from worldly constraints and expectations is believed to be possible as part of the worship of Kali.

The danger with interest from Westerners involves the issue of "armchair goddess worship" This is something that happens when people are misinformed about the kind of worship and accurate description  of a deity, specifically intended by people who brought ceremonies and awareness of this deity at the original place  and origin, then later and by extension, to the rest of us.

We as people who are getting a secondhand version of her rituals and rights, must realize there are distortions of her image. It should be known that taking her out of her original context and into a culture and perception which inevitably changes her, will ultimately distort the relationship a devotee would have in a firsthand scenario, versus in a second or third hand scenario, such as the kind often found in the United States.

more on her later.........

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