Monday, July 7, 2014

You change with what you define

"Life promises you only change. Only impermanence.
She is only wild and her compassion is exquisitely precise"
-Spring Washam

I am forgetting parts of self that were once held so tightly
these transformations lead to an evolving self

all the subtext become more obvious
subtleties are thrown out
replaced by the more obvious clearly spoken articulated
themes and dreams
what is the dream telling you now? and now?

why do we stop and stare when nobody can even see what is there?

happiness was always the goal
yet definitions seem to change
so you change with what you define
to fit yourself into the places the definition will reach
so then what will you teach?

what will you learn?
at the end of it what will you take away?
you know, what will you take with you?
you cannot know yet
telling yourself you have plenty of time means nothing
if you are stuck in patterns
that limit you and keep you in pain
or keep you numb, locked away from the best that life gives
so much to discover just under the surface
and nothing is ever perfect
for perfect is a state of mind
or an illusion
or an elusive trick
played by circumstances you think
you have comprehended
no guarantee you will find what you are seeking

transfer emotions from page to page, you do not escape
take me to the river
there is nowhere else to go now
maybe the message I have gathered inside me
could be the true reflection
of what is right
this time
I wish to make all my mistakes at the start so
when we get going
I can protect your heart
nowhere to go from here but inward
around down up within without
for all that I work to manifest
will eventually be manifested
but all that arises passes away
always stay close to that truth

and always we will be tested
as the alignment of the stars and planets
make some sense so you lean into telling yourself
the ways in which life is good
and forget relentlessly
where it was you
just stood.