Saturday, April 13, 2013

only the ashes

eruptions of desire hit strongest where all is invisible
where all is invincible
where all is imaginary
when you exist I cease to
when you move I am motionless
fact and fiction all swirled together
when can I die next
into a realm of rebirth that will cycle me in some other deity's favor
and this language poorly coded will have to suffice
it is all I have to wrap around burning images of my love
and why flames? why not water?

if it all turns into poetry eventually anyway
then why not see it starting out as metaphor?
what is it all for
this myth of real
this becoming never became and I am wasting breath
dreaming in so many colors outlasting my sight
wearing nothing but layers upon layers that could soak away
in the presence of real tears
you cannot practice magic while scoffing the possibilities of magical consequence
say some, pointing to an older kind of wisdom than what we are used to these days
eruptions build inside like a volcano
I will share only the ashes
only the ashes are worthy of sharing because they will be lightest
lava eruption is too heavy and the coded language too secret
too secret even for me.

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