Wednesday, June 26, 2024

spilling like jewels

I speak to the cool grass

under bare feet

I speak to the shifting skies

under which we meet

I speak to the breezes lost and found

to the essence of the energies felt all around 

and no matter where or who I turn to

it all leads me back to you

the truth of it spilling like rare jewels

sharing themselves, showing themselves

with abandon. 

I am asking for guidance from all of these sources

I am watching the rise and fall, the undulating waves of these forces

and still, I lack conclusions because the ongoing questions stretch out

across valleys, over mountains and wild seas

devotion, compassion, love, forgiveness, are ingredients, all of these

promising beauty in the results 

teaching new lessons and some of the same

sparkling in my eyes when I say your name

when will all the parts come together, with a knowing?

while I commit so many times, to never stop growing

Monday, June 17, 2024

speaking into the light

 Fragments of his dimension

Fall into the space between

Where we have been and

Where we were trying to go

Deep witness in a glance

Once frantic and wild

Now with a calming sound

Some of the chaos can subside

Calling on the Holy Spirit

Inside of moments you cannot fathom

This is a promise, a clarion call

At the very least a humble prayer

We open the space within

with our best inner sight

We start speaking into the light

Remembering the way home again

Blessings arising from the ocean

Moving across the dusty ground

Up into those distant stars.