For many of us, our lives are mostly centered around mundane tasks and reality that we need to tune into in order to survive and or to fit in with the society we are a part of.
This means the more mystical, esoteric, spiritual, metaphysical parts of ourselves and our consciousness takes a back seat to the more mundane activities and way of thinking. Some folks may have a holy book and they might spend part of their week interacting with this book and what it teaches. Some folks work to integrate teachings from one or more faiths that uplift them, help them with life or just inform them in a way they appreciate.
Some of us walk around the planet thinking about the metaphysical reality, wanting to discuss it or trying to discuss it and we may be met with judgement or dismissal. Fewer of us engage in overtly spiritual talks, finding refuge and acceptance. All that said, there is a common word that is woven throughout some of these discussions and that word is "soul". This word has varying definitions and there are varying levels of belief in whether or not we each have souls.
I struggled with the idea of the soul in past years, unsure of what was the truth about the matter of souls and individual spirits. I have come to work with a definition of soul that resonates, and I define a soul as an accumulation of energy and consciousness working together within an individual that contains the very essence, power and life force allotted to that person for the entire duration of their existence, including, but not limited to, a whole lifetime.
Now, it has occurred to me that there might be a beginning and an end to a soul. I think of it as a similar lifespan to that of a star. Or, a soul might be the part of us that is eternal. Since I am not an expert on any of this and perhaps nobody is, I will entertain multiple possibilities.
If there is one all powerful Creator or Source of Creation from which our souls emerge, I feel that giving thanks for that on a regular basis makes the most sense. If souls arise without specific directions from a Source or Creator God/Goddess, they may function as independent spiritual agents. If that is so, the birth and evolution of souls would appear to be fascinating phenomenon that have serious depth to it beyond anything we have as of yet begun to comprehend.
How would a soul be born? Who would or could birth a soul? Why and how would a soul come into existence? Why would an entire planet of animated souls come into existence? Lots of us have speculated we are here to experience ourselves at deeper and deeper levels through the sacred formulas of ancestral lineages, cosmic identities, the elements of earth, water, fire and air, many, seemingly endless kinds of lessons and truths that are hard to come by and so on. The possible answers go on and on, I can think of a whole lot!!
This is just to encourage you to think, to consider, to imagine! I am not intending to draw final conclusions, more so just to get us started, to create a jumping off place so the reader, you, can dive into your own crashing waves of possibilities. I wish you safe and exciting travels. I will be back soon with more exploration and intentions to play, think, conceive, dream, and more.