Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Ceremony in 3 movements

3 movements:

the first: Karmic Release Prayer

the second: Shadow Integration Ceremony

the third: An Akashic Confirmation

Movement 1:


We call Earth, Air, Fire, Water, We call the Creator/Wakan Tanka, Tunkashila/Grandfather, White Tara, swift liberator. We call ancestors of your lineage who have only the purest and highest intentions for your wholeness, healing, well being and longevity. This sacred circle is only open to beings who carry and pour forth vibrations of deep compassion, all kinds of love that nourish and comfort. This sacred circle welcomes the energies of honesty, vigilance, integrity, hope, protection, as the nature of these energies may overlap and grow in power. The power built in this sacred circle is one rooted in self awareness, desire for release of all that no longer serves your highest good.
By all that is above, and all that is below, and all that is in between- we are now between the worlds
and what happens between the worlds can change all the worlds. Bless it be.

1. Karmic Release Prayer:

Now I am in the presence of the beings who wish to assist my transformation. As I breathe in, I fill my lungs with the light whose color I choose. As this light fills my body, I release the out breath, with the thought, I release you, go now, be changed forever. As I practice this breath, I take in Air, feeling and seeing the colors I choose in their purest vibration settling into me and relaxing my muscles. And as I get more comfortable, breathing in the color or colors of this light, I breathe out, with the simple thought, I release you, go now, be changed forever.

As I feel myself and the weight of my precious body where I am lying down, I fill my mind with the colored light and energy that comes easily, and naturally to me. And now, as I breathe out, I say to that which harmed me in the past or to that which might harm me in the future, go now, you have no name, I take away your power. I lay here, and I will sit with this incredible truth.

Again, I breathe in a beautiful color and as I exhale, I say, you caused me to suffer, you have no name, you have no energy. I pause, to take in the great capacity I have within me, as my eternal birthright, to be forever blessed with this fantastic ability. From the deep roots of the powers of all the Orishas who have ever blessed me or who know my true inner being, I see from this place of transformation. I can move forward in the world without any cobwebs over my eyes, I can see my way through the maze of human beings with clear sight and clear knowing. I know that my life and my body and my hands have been blessed by the gods and goddesses to do the work and walk the blessed path of a peace maker among human beings and a truth speaker always.

Next, I turn inward, into the great starry cosmos of my inner sanctuary. I look into it, peering into it as though it were a pond of water, reflecting back to me all the deeds and thoughts of this lifetime and all previous lifetimes and as I look closer, even the future lifetimes. I pause here, in gratitude that I may be shown what I am facing when I get to the spinning doors of birth, life, death and rebirth. I am shown, without a doubt, that the pain I have felt comes right up against, like a neighbor, to any pain I ever caused anyone, knowingly or unknowingly, and in this very holy space, I speak to all the pain, caused by me or visited upon me.

And now, as I breathe out, I say, I let go all the resentment, anger, bitterness, fear, hatred, and all other negative forms of energy that keep me from permanently releasing all the pain and suffering I may cause others, that might still dwell within me.

With the divine light and immediate blessing of the Great White Tara shining into me, I ask her, oh, swift liberator, please obliterate the remnants of shadowy intentions that would only weigh me down, when what I seek is to be uplifted and to uplift my fellow sentient beings.

2. Shadow Integration Ceremony

Now with the gentle energy of Great Tara moving into my cells, touching each place that has memories of suffering, in any part of my lineage, I pause here. I look at what I have been taught about the use of force. The Ascended masters teach that humans must be very cautious about the use of force.

The flow of energy that is the most beautiful and most transcendent are the flows that are not forced. When I enter divine space and sense the flow of the water or the dance upward of the fire flame, or the blossoming of plants, growing of forests, I know, all these are my relations. As one who truly comprehends the divine flow embodied in nature, I turn over to you, angels, guides and beneficent ancestors, my tendency to ever incorrectly take up the use of force, against any living being. As a warrior, I  instantly know and respect how I am to step away from the incorrect use of force and as a result, I will offer protection to all who require it, to the best of my ability.

As these beautiful prayers are offered up, now I turn to Grandfather, Tunkashila, and I ask that I may be present as a warrior for truth, for all kinds of justice and nourishment for the rainbow people of earth. I ask that you assist me in welcoming those who have been pushed out and feared. I ask that you make room in my heart and my earth community for the two spirit people, whose persecution must end so that the evolution and upliftment of our species remains intact in its progress.

I will be deeply grateful to contribute to that which strengthens, educates and heals all of us. Assist me in building the bridges between humans in all our communities that will serve the highest good, and assist me in terminating the agreements with those who have shown to work against the highest good. Tunkashila, please assist me in the practice of transparency, and as I truly learn how to practice it, that I may then turn and offer others the opportunity to do the same.

When the time comes for more cleansing which I have begun, I will be humble and open to learning more from all my relations, Tunkashila. Please grant me the enduring kindness and knowledge needed for a highly functional position of leadership, if that is what you find it right to assist in giving me. Help me to clarify all that I have been writing, singing and preparing for, and comfort me with the awareness that none of my story is in vain. I ready my body and spirit to close this ceremony now but keep an open invitation to those energies who were called into the sacred circle.

3 The Akashic Confirmation

I turn over to you, angels and guides, my human anxiety and confusion when it comes to my destiny. In fact, if I decided to go see an open starry night sky, I can rest assured that the story of my life and all past and possible future lifetimes are written in the Pleiades. My Akashic record is sacred and unbroken. All I need to do is go out at night, when the sky is clear and get into a prayerful state, however that feels and looks to me at that moment. Ask, then, that your angels and guides give you direction and comfort when you feel out of balance. Listen for answers. They may rush in to your mind, they may come slowly. They may come over a period of time. Your guides will never fail you. Your whole incredible human body and ancestral lineage is part of an unbroken connection, designed by the divine intelligence that is your very precious soul.

Devocation: I thank all who came to be part of this magical event. Please, go if you must but stay if you will, hail and farewell. May the peace of the Goddess go in our hearts, merry meet, merry part and merry meet again!!

(Time to replenish the body with food and drink. One of the wiccan practices with post ritual nourishment, is we take a piece of food or a bit of the drink and offer it to the other person by saying "May you never go hungry" and also "May you never go thirsty")

Bless it up and enjoy!

I will keep these words of today's ceremony close and it is ensured I will have access to it, should I want to work with the divine energies expressed and honored here in this session.

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