Monday, April 16, 2018

See what you can do

If one steps back and observes throughout history, there almost always emerges a group of people who wish to make life better for others, heal and comfort the sick and dying, free slaves from bondage, create balance and act from love. The group might have this or that moral philosophy, they might have this or that religious path and belief system but the fact that they emerge in order to serve humanity, shows us that while society and cultures create patterns in our behaviors..., when the need arises the people committed to higher and better causes always emerge. It is as if the energy of these uncharted new and different groups gain steam upon the identity of the good they are doing but so many seem to inevitably fall into corruption, fall away from "grace" and acts of "love" as it were. I am not calling out Christianity or Pagan Religions or anyone else by name. I am calling out the phenomenon occurring in our midst, within the depths of what humanity is and what it could be. So, I encourage you, view your fellow humans with as fresh eyes as possible, see what you can do to serve and leave the fleeting identity, the way the history books will define you, leave that all behind.

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