Monday, August 22, 2016

Love, Light and the Shadow: Section 2

Section 2.

A good place to start is by exploring the idea and practice of excavation, as it pertains to the shadow.
When we are called to dig deeper into our experiences and emotions, and into our experiences of our emotions, that means we are called to shadow work.

This world provides endless kinds of distractions from our inner worlds and inner process. Our world provides countless ways to get out of shadow work and as a friend recently pointed out to me, "Shadow work is not for the faint hearted." This is true, so why do it? Why not go the easy route? Why not sail through your life and barely touch down on the ground, and only touch down when you have to for practical reasons? If you want to barely touch down, then you are nowhere near ready to excavate. I explain a little bit in Section 1 about what may motivate some to explore the shadow.

Our consciousness is more like a river than a dense, solid place. Emotions, thought patterns, beliefs, all pass through the river. However, there are places where parts of our psyche may get stuck. This time of being stuck brings stagnation. Stagnation causes disease. It is for this reason, among many others, that it is useful to excavate what makes up that which, due to vibration and content, could cause stagnation, lack of wellness, lack of balance. Many teachers and others have taught us and reminded us to Know Ourselves. This self knowledge, if it is to be useful, if it is to be complete, must include the excavation of what we know are the uglier, more frightening, distasteful parts of us, which compose our shadow.

The next level for lots of us who wish to do this kind of self work, is acceptance. It does us no good to deny shadowy places and hidden pieces we are carrying. Ideally, upon seeing what we need to see, through dreams possibly, or by keeping a journal, or talking to someone you deeply trust, or through an art form, these are all ways to begin to integrate that which has had some power over you, shadow that has had power in the form of shame or denial and so on. The process of integrating what you know is no longer necessary to fear or hold onto is one that says, until the components of the shadow have been identified by you, you cannot fully integrate them.

This integration has the power to neutralize the effects of the shadow. Anyone, whose intentions are purified, who knows why they want to undergo a process like this, will likely have some success. What does it look like when the process is complete? It is different for everyone. For some, it may look about the same from the outside, but feel dramatically different inside. For others, they may change outwardly, they may change how they walk in the world, how they relate to others. Each person has a unique chance to excavate, integrate and accept the shadow they walk with.

Of course, there could be many layers to this experience and for some it may last a very long time. One might feel they are done with it, but more work appears. Also, one may have done excellent work with the shadow for a certain time in their existence here but they may find more challenges surfacing when it seemed it had been completed.

Each part of this is a gift, though it may not feel like it at all and it is good to honor yourself and your journey with shadow integration as much as you can. Give yourself sincere praise and reward yourself in ways that make sense to you, for doing this. I say that because if you are sincere in this work, and you keep meeting and agreeing to face the struggles on this path, you are doing a great service to the rest of us.

"the alchemy of this conversation
brings me to a brilliant celebration
the alchemy of your sweet words
leaves me high, oh, high as the birds
don't want to come down
don't want to climb down
I will be waiting for you up here
As you release all that fear
the alchemy of a collective manifestation
causes me to question the nation
where we going, where we been?
we need to start again
take me to the place where we can
start again
so sick of where we going
so sick of where we been"


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