Friday, October 9, 2015

New kinds of Sessions- Read all about it!

About this new work!

Now I work not only on the physical level, with a client's body using massage, but the client's energy/prana/chi/kundalini. At times, even the dreams of the client and myself can come into play as I facilitate the healing of certain problems. I give no guarantees, and I accept no money; only trade for this type of work. Also I clarify that I may facilitate the healing but every client is their own first and best healer and they do the work to get better. I only create the space, whether that is in the physical or on the psychic and energy planes.

So what is it then?

 Specifically, when I offer "Restorative Shamanic Dream Work" naturally, questions arise. They are supposed to! I hope to answer serious inquiries in a satisfying way as I integrate this new ceremonial work into the modalities that I offer.

I was essentially thrown into this work without even trying to get here. How did that happen? A person I met asked me to meet them in the dreamtime. They might have known I could do this kind of work before I knew. I did meet them there and was instructed by the dream how to assist them in their clearing and cleansing of their energy. Once I did this, I needed to cut the cord between them and me quickly.

Boundaries between client and practitioner are very important. If either person wants to walk away, is finding it hard to gain clarity or if there are problems they do not want to deal with, by all means, that person should walk away. This should only ever feel right and or not harmful in any way. There are no contracts, no "should" or any manipulative restrictions.

A note about self care:

It is critical at this time on Gaia, the interconnected web of life and death, that we find great modes of self care, both physically and otherwise, that enable us to live to our full potential. All that does not support your own self care ( not self obsession) should be tossed away. Always listen to your intuition about a person, job, or anything at all. Intuition is there to help keep us safe.

I know it is the task of all members of humanity to develop a relationship with uncertainty and impermanence. Doing this will assist you in creating the life you want and will ground you in the reality of what is possible for you. Lots of folks never pay attention to the tiny messages and the voice and or symbols from within or without that can guide them. I say that the possibilities are endless, because they are, but there are circumstances present in our lives that limit us, undeniably.

What is Restorative Shamanic Dream work?

At the heart of this work is the acknowledgement that we are powerful creators of our destiny and that we must protect ourselves and others from harm. I do not say this out right but it should become clear as a client works with me.

What is Restorative about it?

I ask each client to do some homework to gather what represents earth, air, fire and water to them and I encourage each person to define Spirit for themselves. This ensures a healing and restorative time spent searching in the divine place inside for that which can be drawn out of our environment. There are no fancy labels. It is just about you, your dreams, (waking and living dreams) the four sacred elements in this world and Spirit as you define it. This is meant to be enjoyable and I will tailor this part for each client so they feel free to complete it in a way that suits them.

What is Shamanic about it?

I will tell you a short story to orient you to the principles of modern shamanic work, it should exemplify the intention and a bit about how it works. The world of our dreams plays a large part.

A Shamanic intervention

A mother and daughter spent years knowing each other. They felt love between them but at a certain point the daughter noticed she felt drained around her mother and oddly resentful of her. She could not put her finger on why.

A person the daughter knew did shamanic work, and one day she booked a session. She told the shaman she had lived with this feeling for a very long time and did not want to resent her mother because she felt horrible that she was not wanting to be close to her.

Once she was given permission by the daughter, the shaman got to work.

As the shaman slept, she was shown a scene in her dream of the daughter at about 4 years old, singing and playing happily and a sad, withdrawn looking mother who was walking about the room. It was clear the mother felt depleted and with a magical vision, the shaman saw the mom steal a ball of golden energy from the daughter, mindlessly, having no conscious intention to harm anyone.
In the dreamtime, the shaman approached the mother, and said gently to her; "You have something that does not belong to you."

The mother was surprised and looked down at the ball of energy that was her daughter's. "Oh" she said to the shaman, "I am so sorry" Then, the mother reached over to the little girl and gave the energy back.

After this was done, the relationship between mother and daughter cleared up and improved dramatically. That is the example I use to explain the essence of what I do.

With permission, I see, or just know, in a dream or waking state, what has happened to the client, sometimes literally and other times not, and I retrieve what they need or often do not know that they need or want, in order to restore  what had been causing one level of the problem and creating some peace around it. This is of course in an ideal situation.

What happens if there is no dream that tells the Shaman what to do?

In the case of no dream work appearing, I can use mundane wisdom and practices to help. By virtue of harming nobody, I would never pretend to have a dream that connects me to a place I have no connection to do. In these cases, if they happen, I refer you out to another person, or I just work with the waking world to assist a client.

What about payment? How does that work?

I accept trade. I do not take money for this. I have chosen that because the wide range of expectations from clients cannot quite fit onto a scale of different amounts of money in my mind. In my experience, if money is taken out of the picture it is simply a cleaner exchange of skill for another skill or just a trade in general, without involving currency. This should ensure the client never give more or less than what they feel is appropriate. Discuss this with me in person and I can further elaborate.

A trade I would approve could be a yoga session or a few of them, clairvoyant or clairsentient reading and so on. If a person is already skilled and or knowledgeable of mystical and new age type readings that is welcome. I take all of this with a grain of salt, and I maintain an interest in these kind of practices, just to see how people approach them.

You can reach me at

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