Monday, October 7, 2013

Update and expansion on the Miley vs. Sinead situation- reflecting a much deeper longstanding issue

The two camps of women I mentioned earlier, have sub- groups of course. Really there is a split between two main sets of perception. At the heart of both of each perceptions is the fervent belief that their view and ways of being a woman is what will get the respect of the patriarchy and the respect or at least the attention from men in their lives. It comes down to power, and powerlessness. I will articulate both sides and let everyone decide where they stand.

On the one hand, some women have, since the dawn of humanity, looked to make a profit off of men desiring them, and in many cases actually have sex with them in exchange for money, goods, fame, a promotion and so on. This is considered prostitution, sex work, what have you. In reality, the institution of marriage is based upon a woman as commodity and property, first of her father, then her husband takes over. As women, we have always had to concede power over our lives to the men in our lives and if we did not, historically we were persecuted, marginalized, brutalized and so on. This is historical fact, not a feminist rant. I am setting the stage for where we are now. Currently, most of society feels self righteously scornful of women for this sex work and a majority feel it is fine to degrade women who have in their eyes, degraded themselves. There will always be, however, women who deviate or want to deviate from what is expected from them, no matter what is expected. It might be an expectation of women based in good sense, rationality, protectiveness, but regardless of this, there will be women who want to choose a different path, not caring about the dissaproval they incur.

In the camp where women disapprove of sex work, the belief is that the only way to respect yourself, be taken seriously, be a role model for younger women is to cover up and behave. The word "lady" is thrown around a lot and for a long time we were all expected to grow up to be ladies, now, it seems, it is a throwaway word, synonomous with any female doing anything at all.

Due to the split between the two groups, the divide and conquer strategy comes into play, because as long as women are preoccupied with in fighting and constant criticism of each other, their focus is not on creating change in their own lives that benefit them and in turn, benefit all of humanity. When women are healthy, safe and nurtured, they raise children in more functional ways, and society improves dramatically. When women suffer, suffering increases manyfold for all other members of society. It sounds obvious but it merits being stated.

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