Wednesday, January 4, 2012


that immense natural beauty on this planet can be so rich
that the eyes tend to neutralize themselves
against such power

we sister speak of our woman worth
but the truth is that
our tears remain composed of salt
no more or less salty
than the tears of our suffering brothers
but what if joy were to link us together
not pain?
what if happiness were to bring us into the same space
not anger?
our very survival depends on this
this is a calling for the meetings of our conscious minds
pluralize this
multiply this
expand it

and why is it
that we must DO in order to Be
is it not true that we would not be able to DO
if we were not first to BE
let go of the self notion
let go of the idols inside the selfish brain
let go of the maps to self created misery
you know what they look like.
you do not need them

let go of the fast paced nature of modern societal distractions
despite the fact that you live in
an urban jungle
with shiny material temptation
every which way

you do not need it

let go of the people who drain from you
your most child like,
sincere smiles, dreams
and reserves of energy

you do not need them

and if you wish to serve
go ahead and find a way
the highest good
the force behind the
and rivers
and plants that nourish
a real choice
for any
living being

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