Wednesday, December 15, 2010

a beautiful insight

"The greater the light, the darker the shadow applies to the spiritual
journey on every level. The more light moving through us, the more
shadow material is unearthed. The more we strive to lead a pure,
sacred, authentic life, the more we become aware of our myriad
shortcomings. The more luminous our mystical experiences, the more
dreary the banality of the secular world will seem. But eventually we
discover that the greatest light emanates from the blackest emptiness.
It turns out that light and darkness are not really adversaries; they
are wedded yin/yang lovers who support each other. The traditional
symbol of healing, the caduceus (with two serpents intertwined around
a staff) is a symbol of the complimentary energies of dark and light,
matter and spirit, and all opposing forces. These polarities must be
balanced for genuine health."
-EL Collie

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