Saturday, December 19, 2020

Grace is consistent

 Here is a conceptual framework for grace from the Creator, however you name this being. Let us assume that Water, Earth, Fire and Air were created at some point. Water does not discriminate regarding whose thirst gets quenched, or who gets clean. Fire does not pick and choose who benefits from the warmth of the flames. Air can be breathed by anyone at any time. Earth provides sustenance for all, no matter who you are. If we were supposed to exclude some beings, there would be written into the experience of these gifts some way to do that. There are many more ways to describe and explain this but I am confident that I have made my point. We need not fear wrath or judgement from an external source. It is humans that create the exclusion, the discrimination, the poor management of the gifts we have as participants in this earthly realm.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

About the Shadow

To an extent, we are defined by our opposites. Shadow cannot exist if there is no light for contrast. So called “light workers” must become familiar with shadow work if the light they call in is to have any meaning or purpose.
None of us are light with no shadow content. It’s a matter of managing, facing, owning and transforming the shadow content, and then integrating this work so it doesn’t arise in a persons consciousness unexamined. This is not simple or easy. There is also not only one way to do it. There are many ways.
It’s not for the faint of heart. Despite this, I encourage all of us, when we are ready, to do the work. Contact me via my website if you want to discuss it further.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Entheoi (indwelling Gods)

 the indwelling gods gather 

as this late summer storm swells

the air is full of seasonal mystery, ancient history

the gods that dwell within are activated by

the harnessed energy of the winds of change

so when the air is so still, no breeze

emotions within are deep, silent seas

and we are left to wonder

when we will become activated next and in what


will the Entheoi speak with my mind and voice as tools

for wisdom and guidance and

my truth, layers of truth unfolding, golden?


Saturday, July 4, 2020

languages of the Spirit

What if I told you one way Spirit speaks to you is through your imagination? What if I told you I know this from experience? What if I told you Spirit has been speaking to you your whole life? Some of you already know this, know how to tune in. Others are not interested or simply do not believe me. When I say Spirit as a catch all phrase, keep in mind some would just say God, or the Goddess, or Ancestors, Angels or Guides. I am speaking of all these sources. I trust we can access wisdom from many realms, and many of us do without knowing anyway.
I want to tell you a secret, that of course is not really a secret, but it has been disputed, distorted and hidden at different times in many places. It is this: you can contact Spiritual sources that are not in physical vessels, that have wisdom for you, and that come from vibrational frequencies of pure unconditional love. These sources are actively interested in you. They wish to assist you no matter who you are, no matter how bad or undeserving you may think you are. To these sources of guidance, you are worthy of help, love, truth and liberation from suffering.
I have chosen over time, to eliminate my contact with realms that are not specifically sources of unconditional love. The only Spiritual sources I listen to or tap into want the best, highest outcome of healing for EVERY single living being. If you want to do the same, you can. The secret, not really a secret, is to terminate the contracts you have with any source that doesn’t whisper love and healing into your heart at all times. Any source that falls short of that energy can go. I mean it, it can go. Forever.
Cutting the cords of attachment and negating contracts does not look the same for every single being. For me, I started doing this work by identifying who in my life was not coming to me with my best interest in their heart. I began to distance from them, then I would destroy the contract I had with them. This is a type of energy work and I can tell you all I know; I want to tell you all I know about. I want anybody who wishes to have this information to have it.
You might be wondering about the nature of the contracts I speak of. The nature of the contracts has to do with the energy you embodied at the time the contract was made. Over my life, I have unwittingly created contracts with lower frequencies and later I was able to destroy them. Think of it this way. If energy can be seen as light for this example, imagine a light being beamed at you from a lower type source. When you are weaker you may be subjected to receiving some of that light. When you get stronger and become aware of the issue, you can blast a higher frequency light in that direction with the intention of destroying any contact with it and it will succumb to your intention. That is the nature of this kind of language, one of the many languages of the Spirit.
Many humans over the ages have gotten rather lost in the activity of placing a name and identity on all these types of Spirit energy. I have my understanding of them but it is still evolving and I assert that unless your understanding is also still evolving, your knowledge will at some point grow stagnant, you will not be able to learn deeper or more expansive truths about this and that would be a shame.
Since Spirit shows up differently for different folks, it does not follow then that there is just one way to interact with these energies. I encourage you to see how it shows up for you and to listen carefully. If you are hearing, seeing, sensing, feeling, knowing, tasting, smelling or in any other way experiencing any kind of harmful energy, I recommend ending the interaction permanently. I am aware that there are energies that want connection to humans that can do and will do harm if invited in, but they need to be invited.
In my understanding, you can unwittingly invite them into your space, your life, your body but this is not a reason to move fearfully. No matter who you are, where you are or what you are doing you can call in protection and defense against any spirit source that is harmful. In these cases, it is useful to name a spiritual source you feel close to, and know you can trust. You will know what name to give the spirit of protection. For some it will be Jesus. For others it will be Ancestors or Angels. Find out what it is for you and I urge you, do not let anyone override your own intuitive awareness of what to call the being or beings that offer you protection. If you try out a name for this purpose and it does not feel right, change it! You are a sovereign being.

Friday, May 15, 2020

right now

tell me a story
taking your time
punctuating the silence
with a deep breath
and remember this is all
False prophets and charlatans are everywhere, calling for that which they cannot command. Blink and their lives are over. What remains is time and space for truth and healing to arise.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Go easy

rain curves around edges
pathways of water
make a way
that is what we do
we make a way
for friendship to get fertilized
for love to get realized
dreams sift in through window
panes of glass
with imagined density and mass
what are we
if not dreams on their way
to another method of play
sort me out
 of this mess
so many urgent issues
to address
what is that feeling
 that sends you reeling
How am I to find you today
amidst all the fray?
I plead with gods and goddesses
 to be gentle with creations' clay
its time to go easy on us
any other way
will not suffice
 would not be nice