Thursday, December 28, 2017

Prayer of Integration- to share

I have put into words some creative approaches to dealing with issues of faith that seem hard to reconcile but might be easier than we have been thinking. If the wording works for you or you want to change some, feel free to use it in any way you want as long as you are coming from a place of genuine respect for the faiths that you include in this prayer or magical working or whatever you choose to call it. Some will inevitably find fault with what I am doing here, and with what I say. I understand that. I am open to dialogue about it as long as the discussion is (what I would call)productive.

Prayer for Integrating Spiritual Paths-

Great Spirit, Angels and Guides, I turn over to you all my fears about the inability to walk a path
of integrated spirituality.

I ask that the integration of my beliefs with the acknowledgement of Christ/Yeshua and what it means to accept Him be a smooth transition, from where I have been to where I am going. I give thanks that this addition to my already rich tapestry does not mean I must change my identity, religious or otherwise, but simply deepen what I already know about who and why I am.

I walk in the knowledge that I can personally shape my path with God, my Angels and Guides, my Benevolent Ancestors and the Great Goddess all in one lifetime. I ask that you remove from me any doubts that I can worship, pray and believe as I choose even while maintaining agreements with and connections to faiths that have been perceived to have always been at odds with each other.

I have devoted myself to the removal of that which does not serve my highest good and I know my Guides will walk with me and move me in my dreams and in waking hours to tell me which direction is best, when I need guidance.

Thank you for the dreams that have symbols which have me asking deeper questions and inquiring into any part of any relevant faith in my seeking and searching for truth above all else, clarity at all times, cleansing and purification when it is time to do so.

I give thanks for my life and for the chance to seek within the natural world and within humankind, all the Art, writing, conversations, Music and more that may serve to illuminate my path.

I give thanks for my gifts, and for the good sense to pray and ask when I am unsure how to apply myself, or unsure in any realm I find myself in. I give thanks for the Love in my life, from people, animals, plants and from Spirit, unseen but never unfelt. I know there is more than a lifetime's worth
of wisdom, knowledge, beauty, peace, truth, and happiness that awaits me.